
Mama Kucing Blogs

Friday 11 June 2010

Berry's Neighbour Baker's Inn Siew Pau

The other day, my Nutrigen stock and Orange for juicing stock was getting very low. Gosh..what to do leh? The Mini Market nearby doesn't carry Orange for juicing and pasar malam is a week away. Nutrigen stock were also of doubtful expiry date.

Nasib baik there is a new Yen Grocer in town and even have special delivery to the doorstep. My goodness.

The bag of groceries comes with a box of complimentary Berry's Siew Pau...opps..amended..should be Baker's Inn Siew Pau as enlightened by Mommy Ling. Don't be jealous ah..kakaka...

Naughty Mamarazzi. Thought "hau" me sleep already, she quietly went and heat up Pau to eat.Wanna curi MY pau like she curi-ed my Kumquat drink the other night.

Lucky I have the nose of a bloodhound. Awake from my slumber I did. MINE!!!

Eeee...why so black geh. Mamarazzi put too long in the oven is it. Haiya..hentam la. Nice nice siew pau..yummmmmmm..


  1. Berry got siew pau...he he didn't notice, LOL!

  2. so cute...

    clicked maxis

  3. never try Berry's...u got try their cakes ar?

  4. Boohhooo... tarak specisl delivery to auntie's house ah? BOOHOO....and Mamarazzi oso din share wif auntie wan, smallkucing? Jahat ah, she... that day telan all your Cumquat... now this... tsk tsk tsk... this Mamarazzi. nak kena hanger ni!

  5. Hi~~~ what cute kid while holding the siewpau!!! teeehee..

  6. siew pau ar i think is from the Beryl's neighbour..Baker's INN.

  7. yeah..why black at certain parts? :p use a microwave next time.. no burnt one..

  8. Didn't show the inside? Seremban siew pao? Not a fan...we have better char siew pao here! Hehehehehe!!!!

  9. wah sedap. huh. free delivery and free siew pau, apa u beli lah!

  10. Smallkucing has sensitive nose....liddat also can smell! :p

  11. Nina

    Thanks for dropping by :D

  12. Auntie Cleff..

    Come. You want BC or not? I can ask Mamarazzi to spike

  13. Wenn

    Fuiyo...if warm from oven lagi sedap

  14. Mommy Ling

    Oppsss...amended jor the post kakaka...mislead by the plastic bag. kekeke

  15. Claire

    Dont want to miicrowave coz the skin wont be crunchy anymore if use that

  16. Mandy

    He very "wai sik" thus anything to do with fod he will wake up and eat punya.

  17. Black or no black hentam lah meowwwwwwww ...haha. tQ.

  18. me and yve love siew pau so much....this one looks good and yummy

  19. Wah so nice can get free siew pao! Yen Grocer delivers to my area or not? :P

  20. Haha...nice smelling siew pau...I also will wake up..Joshua clever boy...or else the naughty mamarazzi will wallop without you :p

  21. but this one is halal one ah?? hmmm, i still prefer PORK one lor.. dunno why, just think chicken one is more as nice~~ :p

  22. Got siew bao delivery from somebody is it? Esquire Kitchen's siew bao is not bad.

  23. ohh.. i really didn't know berry got siew pau.. = p


  24. Bananaz

    Betul tu ...kakaka.. welcome :D

  25. Prince and Princess mum

    Now everywhere also can find but whether tasty or not...ahem ahem

  26. Elin

    Huhuhu...hungry mah especially after visiting your blog :p

  27. Lenglui Witch

    wait ah...i'll ask for you :p

  28. Mummy Gwen

    Yup Esquire punya also very nice..They have something like buy 5 Free 1 offer also.

  29. Dragon City

    It's Mamarazzi's mistake..should be Baker's Inn mislead by the plastic bag kakaka..

  30. Hi SK, your boy has that mischievous look, ha ha and he sure having fun....guess being an only child does have its moments. Time to give him a baby brother to fight with, ha ha, Lee.

  31. Uncle Lee

    Oh no!!! boys and fights. I pengsan lo


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