
Mama Kucing Blogs

Wednesday 23 June 2010

My 2nd Home - BookXcess

NOTE : This is not a Paid Post nor Sponsored Post. Saja wanna share the excitement only.

Yay! Am home. Gimme 5!

Take a stool first

Then a book..

or two..or three..or four...

Oh how I love BookXcess Kids Section. Really syok la. Hmm...if only for the adult section they would put an arm chair or two, then Mamarazzi sure can lepak here the whole day.

Well, as usual after BookXcess the next stop would be Dan Neh Noh. I managed to con someone into buying me Happy Meal and even made that someone returned the milo and exchange it with Ribena.

Ngum ngum that day, Dan Neh Noh was having sale of the old toys. RM5 for 3 toys. many people went and grab.

Mamarazzi managed to grabbed 3 for me. At the same time she overheard another customer said that the toys used to be sold at RM3 for 2 toys. Guess it's inflation gua.

As for Mamarazzi's inflation ..yet. Hardcover of Jeffrey Archer and Thomas Harris at RM24-90 and RM9-90 each.

Also bought Alexander McCall Smith and Sophie Kinsella after seeing them in the BookXcess blog

As for this one, it was an impulse buy. Kebetulan Mamarazzi was tired and plong her big fat...ahem ...on the floor. Looking around, she saw this book hidden in a corner. Read the synopsis. Seems good. Mystery + Indian culture. That's Mamarazzi's favourite. Thus, tembak and bought.

On top of everything, the cashier gave Mamarazzi one bookmark. Pretty hor? Being typical kiasu, Mamarazzi asked for more. She was given one more. Well, better than none.


  1. wah woman! u can open a library aleeady!!!!!!!!!!! hahahah

  2. Ish ish ish.... ur Mamarazzi...mintak armchair pulak. Armchair mana lah syok. Ask them put sofa la, baru bagus! LOL...

  3. aww ... so nice. I miss having the time to read !! LOL. Ironically being surrounded by cheap books but no chance to even stop and look to buy. Enjoy your books !!

  4. waaaaaaaa i think next time we can exchange books liao wen i come back hahahah more economical tat way hor hhahaha

  5. Good! Good! Develop the reading habit...from young. That's what I did with my girl...and now, I've one room full of books (sorry, have to minus one guest room because of this!) in the house. You're ok...when he grows up, he can read your books. I think I spent a fortune on them...but it's worth it. At least my girl doesn't spend much on anything else...

  6. oii..i spotted sodomy toy..LOL!!

  7. Love to read on the books that you buy, read and share. Love your smallkucing's antics! And love the places that you eat, enjoy and also share!!!

    Thanks for sharing. Love your blog.

  8. Good good buy, hard cover for RM24.90, i wonder is it brand new or otherwise or may be overpulished volumme....

    Jeffrey Archer my fav, just finished last two week." Prisoner of Birth"

    Hey try reading Mitch Abom.."Have a little faith" this is the book that i finished reading in less than 8 hours, two days combined,,,record lah for me,,,

    take care now sister

  9. wah nice nice! the toys, can grab man! feel like goin bookxcess tis wkend... hehe!

  10. Wah, next time they will allocate a special room for the kucing family....LOL!

  11. yes, i second that, kristie.. she can open one for us bloggers..!!! hahhaha....

  12. bookxcess still got discount on kids books? me and yve wanted to buy some children books for dylan...

  13. Auntie Cleff

    Like those old english armchair mah. Very comfy one

  14. Kristie

    Already more than a library la..only no space to display.

  15. Manglish

    cann...i want to borrow the Ark Book :p

  16. Cute littlekucing loves to read too, just like mommy.

  17. Joanna

    Your part of the world have more books than here lah.

  18. Mommy Ling

    *pengsan* ask that hantu la. Not my fault :p

  19. STP

    correct. Now i dig up my old Enid Blyton books for him. Though he cant read yet but at least can listen lor...povided he can sit still

  20. Ann

    Have exchange books to read with friends that really love reading and treasure books

  21. Eugene

    Have read Prisoner of Birth. Got that from Big Bad Wolf Sale at RM8 only(hardcover) Jangan jeles :p

    Also have read all Mitch Albom books with exception of his latest. Very good books

    Yes, I think BX is selling Remainder Books. But I don't care la. A book is a book. As long as the price is affordable, tembak la. What's the use buying books RM100/book if can get the same for RM20.

  22. Irene

    Saw quite a bit of Chit Lit la this round. Ngum you i think.

    This is the 1st time i saw McD selling those excess toys. Must be those time that i went was wrong timing la

  23. Claire

    Pengsan...the 8 books not enough yet ah?

  24. Pete

    Maybe that won't mess up the store :p

  25. Vialentino

    Their books are always got discount one. If you want further discpunt, you wait for the Big Bad Wolf Sale la. That one i can tell u that u will go mad. Really gila one. But better not bring Dylan as the crowd will be like human mountain human sea

  26. Wah! Can see Joshua "zi chut zi yap" :D

  27. Mandy

    He cant read yet but he does love to look at the pictures and press those musical books

  28. He is so keen on his books, no wonder, his Mother also loves books. A bright wee man.

  29. He is so keen on his books, no wonder, his Mother also loves books. A bright wee man.

  30. Wah you bought books again! Really your second home!! LOL! One day can I come and borrow books from your library? Hehe

  31. Hey, when did you go? We were there on Saturday... how come I didn't see Dan Neh Noh cheap toy sales? I also missed SK's Twenties Girl!! Nemind, more reason to go again hehe...

  32. Glennis

    he loves looking at the picture. Doenst know how to read yet

  33. Lenglui witch

    can..what books you want

  34. Chloe's Mommy

    We went there on Sunday.

    Ya the more reason for you to go BX kaakaka

  35. Click at the link in ur post, then saw the Lord of The Ring book, straightaway catch hb's eye. Hahahaha! Fast fast ask him to take me there soon. :P

    Btw have you ever buy any of the audio book? Wonder is it bored or not. Audio book will be good for bz ppl like me who don't have much time to read book. :)

  36. more trip arh!surely you read everyday for alot of hours lo,see havent few weeks ady go again,samore always can purchase so many at one go!'pui fok' you!:P

  37. fuyoh, getting more and more books again!! BookXcess is your 2nd home, and i think you are BookXcess's #1 customer~~ :p

  38. many books again and I believe you can finish it within days, right?

    Fren, really salute you joh.

  39. You are giving good example to your little kitten. I hope you don't move houses to another country, otherwise so many books to pack.

  40. Bookxcess again...kasi jealous me far far away from here...uhuhuhuhu....

  41. Beii

    Mostly read at night lor.

  42. Chee Yee

    wei..why not you email them to reserve the book for you first?

    Never bought audio book yet coz wont get time to sit and listen. The boy will kacau. whereas if hardcopy of book i can sit and read while he was sleeping. If he was sleeping and heard audio book ah..he will kaypoh one

  43. Jenny

    No la...typical kiasu only. Book price will only go up. kakka

  44. Ann

    *horrified* dont say other country..other Taman already make me headache kakaka

  45. SK

    no la...this one like small timer. Some customer borong a few thousand ringgits of goods leh.

  46. Prince and Princess Mum

    nice :D. Love their new store. Much bigger and comfy

  47. Angel Bear

    Jangan jeles la. You can alway order by mail mah. Only have to pay the postage charges. Cheaper than plane ticket :p

  48. Looks like u got a fruitful trip ^^
    If only there is a big sale on comics~

  49. Kelvin

    They have a magazine section. Overseas magazine going for rm9-90 only. as for comic not to sure. Thought saw some but not sure the price

  50. I love Jeffrey archer's book.. lol.. I've yet to read paths of glory.. :D.. I think there is one book - The gospel according to Judas is banned in Malaysia.. can't find it in any bookstore..

  51. Hi SK, wow! You are a voracious reader.
    By the way, you read the Bible...?
    Have fun and keep well, Lee.

  52. hahhaha, next time i know where to "stalk" you. hahahhahahha

    So far read you blog so much about BookXcess, but till now i still haven't go there. :(

    Should find one fine day and go there look see look see. :)

  53. Wah...It's Mamarazzi's 2nd home lah not kucing..hehe. Got new books again..awesome.

  54. mcD sell old toys ka? i want!! any idea if they do dis all the time?

  55. Shirleen

    I found The Gospel According to Judas in MPH Midvalley. Didn't buy. Sat there and read it on the spot. Very thin book. That time was like rm50-RM60

  56. Uncle Lee

    Read the bible in my teens...only left out the Palsm part.

  57. Annie

    Will try go thre once a month lor to look see what new books they have. Now I heard they have shipment comes in monthly

  58. Mummy Gwen

    You know me so well :D

  59. 2Ma

    I have no idea wor...This is the 1st time I saw. But other customer have commented that previously are cheaper


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