
Mama Kucing Blogs

Tuesday 22 June 2010

My Big Breakfast

Dan Neh Noh is getting more and more like a fine dining restaurant instead of fast food joint. See..they even start to decorate each table with flowers.

Had my Big Breakfast at Dan Neh Noh. to makan ah?

Sumbat aje la. Fast fast makan. Fast fast can play.

Mamarazzi, I finished makan already. Want go there.


I do it 'my way'...

Belakang mali one

Wokay, 'buas' and puas liao. Now willing to go back home.

eh... ya fever. Yet to play leh.

Alamak! The tiang goal so light one geh. One hand kau tim!

Okay...put back nicely liao. Can go home liao. Come another day for mum-mum.


  1. wow yummy mcd breakkie... jayden loves the hotcakes!

    Can joshua finish the whole set? :)

  2. hahahahah...i heard their coffee very nice. is it ar?

  3. McD's...fine dining? Blerk!!! Hahahahahaha!!!! My daughter loved going there too when she was a kid...just to play and run and jump around till she was dripping in her sweat!

  4. I love looking at his face after playing- looks so 'puas' :-)

  5. Hi, Happy Belated Father's Day to small kucing's dad! Glad that u followed my Australia trip! Thx!

  6. Haha didn't know McD is called Dan Nen Noh. Any special meaning? It has been long time since i have their breakfast set.... Big Breakfast after all is not that big. Hehehe. Like the "belakang mali one". :D

  7. Hi SK, ha ha, love the pics....but thats a funny or unusual name for a restaurant?
    Have a nice day, Lee.

  8. Wow..small kucing, your appetite is huge you really finish up the big breakfast?

  9. Kristie

    Once in awhile bring him to McD as a treat lor.Nah..he cant finish the whole set

  10. Manglish

    Entahlah coz Mamarazzi found that certain branch coffee taste good but some not. Maybe it depend on the fella who made the coffee kot.

  11. STP

    Now changed a lot from the old days lo. Many renovated and have proper chairs. Even table decorated with small vase of flower

  12. Chee Yee

    Been trying to teach him to say <cDonald but each time he would say Dan Neh Noh or Mc Dan Neh Noh. *pengsan*

  13. Shenny's Mommy

    The Papa "help" to finish the Big Breakfast .kakakaka

  14. Uncle Lee

    It's McDonald but the kid kept calling it as Dan Neh Noh. hahahaha

  15. jfook

    guess many would love Mcd :D

  16. Why did you call it Dan Neh Noh? :P

  17. Y name it Dan Neh Noh? So long did not have b'fast in McD already. Time to go. haha...thks for reminding.

  18. Aiyo, the MC D playland, once let MiaoMiao go in, dun expect she will go home la...haha! Always happily to go in, but crying to go home one...lolx~

  19. Lenglui Witch

    Entah la...he kept refering that to Dan Neh Noh

  20. uLi

    Let Miow miow play puas puas then she will wanna go home la

  21. mNhL

    Week days go lagi syok. cheaper

  22. Hahaha....Juan Or is also like that - belakang mali punya! :-D

  23. Alas, hubby and I managed to go to the big M for bfast too. Was also surprised by the flowers. But we just push one side lah. Seems out of place!

  24. Smallkucing, I love Md Big Breakfast too.

  25. Oh! That's the way you 'GOAL'! hahahahahah~

  26. Prince and Princess Mum

    Football fever :p

  27. Ann

    they renovated many branches le :D.

    Look nicer


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