
Mama Kucing Blogs

Thursday 10 June 2010

My Vinigen Cumquat Drink Gone

The other day, Mamarazzi's friend gave us a bottle of Vinigen Cumquat Lemon drink from Eu Yan Sang. Not related to Nutrigen.

Mamarazzi said put into fridge and chill it first before drink. Nicer. I was sooooo looking forward to having it.

But then I went to bed and the next morning...

Left empty bottle only. Mamarazzi drank all. Didn't leave any for me. Some more said very nice wor. Hmmph...don't wanna friend Mamarazzi liao. Like adding salt to wound .


  1. haha, come come drink something else from the fridge k?

  2. Mamarazzi so bad ya.. Lets us all dun friend her also. I support you one.. Hehe..

  3. Wah...why never leave some for small kucing. Must be really sedap..hehe.

  4. Oh no! You didn't! Poor small kucing...come here and open auntie Hidayah's fridge..:)

    I sent you an e-mail using my new account hope you recieved it :)

  5. hahahahahahhaa aiyooooooooooo shame2 on mamarazzi hor so old liao still rebut drink with u hahahahahhaha ask her buy 1 more bhahahhaa

  6. Kucing, you see the name - vinegar one. So very sour, not nice. Better ask Mama to buy you a tub of ice cream instead... LOL!!!

  7. Hi SK, ha ha, poor thing! Bet next time he hides the bottle.
    You have a nice day, Lee.

  8. Whaaa... that thing very nice ah? Aiyoo... so kesian you, smallkucing. Auntie feed you O-ju, wan?

  9. ha ha ha, smallkucing can drink milk lah!

  10. Aiyoyo.. come smallkucing, let witch che che buy one for you :P

  11. Never mind, if very sedap to drink, then ask Mamarazzi buy for you to drink, since it's already tried and tested to be very tasty!

  12. Mummy Gwen

    Taste good and leong lor ..

  13. Jie Jie Tuti

    But I want that drink wor..sobs sobs..

  14. Manglish

    Isk...thought the budak would have forgotten the drink mah..Mana
    tau he still remember..said "finished ah?"

  15. Auntie Hidayah

    Got Nutrigen ah? kekekeke

    Thanks received and replied your email already :D

  16. Uncle Lee

    I think so too...he is getting smarter by the day..know how to hid the rotan already

  17. STP

    Cham liao...he like sour drinks like..*shake head*

  18. Little Lamb

    For kids also...but Mamarazzi drank all :p

  19. Pete

    Want both...milk and Vinigen

  20. Auntie Alice

    Later Mamarazzi buy and she wallop all herself leh...must hide it this time ...kekeke

  21. Lenglui Witch

    Thank you thank you :D

  22. Hahahaha! Next time don't listen to mamarazzi liao, just drink it straightaway. :P

  23. Wah really can finish one bottle ar? This is the diluted one right? My mum takes this too, the concentrated one in a big bottle. Quite nice, this health drink.

  24. Chloe Mummy

    It's good for It Hei is it? felt better after drinking that. Ya diluted punya

  25. Chee Yee

    If got next time la kakakak

  26. Haha! Small kucing is very cute! : )


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