
Mama Kucing Blogs

Saturday 19 June 2010

Ford County Stories by John Grisham

Once again we had a quickie supper. A packet of San Xian Mian, some salad leave, fried a bit of garlic and an egg. A few minutes later, a plate of yummy Kon Low Mee emerged.

My tummy happy, means Mamarazzi happy. Why?

Coz perut kenyang, hati senang. I will sleep syok syok lor. Do not disturb!

When I "oi oi-ed", Mamarazzi can proceed on to read her John Grisham book lor.

have been a fan of John Grisham for many years. Never miss any of his books.

But she have been complaining that of late, his books have lost its appeals. Sloppy plots and forgettable story. In fact she had forgotten what's The Associate, The Appeal, The Broker and a few others were about.

And yet, nothing would deter her from grabbing any of his latest book with the faith that maybe THIS will be a good one; as good as The Pelican Brief, The Firm or Run Away Jury.

In the Ford County Stories she finally had her wish. It's a compilation of 7 short stories :

1. Blood Drive- about a mission of mercy by 3 young men that had gone haywire.

2. Fetching Raymond-A manipulative Death Row Prisoner

3. Fish Files- Unexpected windfall of a small town divorce lawyer

4. Casino- A husband who went all his way to break a casino to gain back his wife

5. Michael's Room - A lawyer who was confronted by one of his previous case.

6. Quiet Haven- A man set out to con the elderly and rich at Retirement Homes.

7 Funny Boy-A dying AIDS patient that went home to live out the remaining of his life.

Oh! what a wonderful book.


  1. Oooo....the mee looks nice. Ya, give me a book like that and I will do exactly as what kucing did! Zzzzzz..... Hahahahaha!!!!

  2. the noodles look so delicious !!!! Haha, enjoy the book :) I've only read one Grisham so far and that was pretty memorable ... The Firm I think it was called :P

  3. I enjoy John Gresham books but have not read this one.

  4. my gosh!! like mother, like son one.. next time easy to get pressie for joshua.. buy john grisham books!! hahaha... can make him sleep fast..

  5. Wah...all the titles so negative >.<

  6. Perut kenyang, hati pun senang :)

    Eh...ada nice ka itu books? Long time tak baca da :(

  7. STP

    Not bad la the noodle. Very smooth :D

  8. Claire

    No need la...Just give to the mother enough kakaka

  9. Glennis

    I think is iis one of his latest book

  10. JOanna

    HUh...your read 1 only ah? Haiyo miss out a lot lor if like that. Try and get your hands on The Pelican Brief and The Runaway Jury. Both are pretty good

  11. Kelvin

    Guess this is a case of not judging the story by its titles lor :p

  12. Long time din go to Summit. Oh, so there's another bargain bookstore there la. Might consider there one day. Got tutu train summore haha.

    You so rajin cook supper? I just give C milk only. Easy peasy.

  13. Chloe's Mummy

    We didnt go to Summit long time also. The last time wet there was for Paylessbook sale. More than a year ago loh.

    No really rajin cook supper la...Actually Mamarazzi also feeling hungry mah :p

  14. uLi

    look aje thick coz hardcover lo


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