
Mama Kucing Blogs

Friday 18 June 2010

Bookalicious! & Rides At Summit USJ

Mamarazzi got to know this new Bookalicious! thru Facebook. Seems to be heading to the same direction as BookXcess. Thus, Mamarazzi decided to go and have a look. Maybe will get better bargain?

Their store is just a small shoplot but neatly packed with books. Quite a lot of Buy 1-Free-1 Books and Buy 2-Free-1 books. Pricing is similar to those larger bookstore. Paperback books are around RM30+.

The Last Empress was RM35-50 and The Ancient Ship was RM36-90.

Yay! Mamarazzi finally got her hands at Paulo Coelho's The Alchemist at RM34-90. The Unaccustomed Earth and Shanghai Girls were RM35-50.

I guess Mamarazzi will cekik herself if she ever saw these book selling in The Big Bad Wolf coming warehouse sale at RM8 each.

Total damaged to the pocket was RM107. If average out, it would be around rm20/book. Hmm..a bit more expensive than BookXcess but cheaper than major bookstore.

Come turn pulak to have some fun

I wanna got for a train ride. Where is the ticketing person pulak. Hilang-ed.

Never mind, I ride this Blue Sporty looking car also can lah. Hmm..must out this precious books properly.

Yay..ready to go. Go and fetch my dear out for teatime.

Vroom hand also can drive leh. Learn from where? Copied Papa lor.

Alamak! kena Mamarazzi scold. Better guai-guai sit on horsey. Safer.


  1. wah...another bookalicious event! And, kucing seems very guai!

  2. wah..chrisau..belum tidur!!
    wei.. malay books also u sart? great!!

  3. I think the price is ok. What not wait for the warehouse sale first?

    Small kucing is very well behaved coz he listens to Mamarazzi. One hand driving is not easy leh..haha.

  4. woit, buy more books become library liao lorrr!

  5. haha you eat books very fast.
    a human book worm! :P

  6. That place, I like... Cheap! Last time, they only had one tiny MPH there... Psst!!! Kucing, better go to Berjaya Times Square, at least - top much better and nicer...or Sunway or Genting. This one, no class lah! For pondan one!!! Hahahahaha!!!!

  7. waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa benci lar hahahahahha benci benci benci.. next time i borrow shanghai girls from u can ar? hahahahaha

  8. hahhaha.. ur car so long didn't reach my house wan? ur gf waiting for you liao... :p

  9. haha. confirmed stage 4 bookworm. :P

  10. worm came out again....hehe!

  11. nice events.... think it's really fun down there..

  12. alamak was hoping to know that the prices are competitive with bookxcess then i wont have to go so far d hahahah

  13. Oh, this post reminds me that I must put up a post of Juan Or riding on the same kiddy rides in Summit before the news become basi....heheheh! Eh, that total damage for the books are OK-lah. As for me, becos of the Toy Story craze, my total damage is even more (few more kali ganda than yours!) I have to ikat perut already this time. :P

  14. Chris

    LOL...Mamarazzi kaypoh mah :p

  15. Mummy Gwen

    beh tahan coz saw these books. Kiasu lor.

    I think the Big Bad Wolf Warehse sale is coming soon coz saw in their FB asking people to recommend nice venue.

    Last two round their books were selling average rm8/book. Hope this round will be the same

  16. STP

    Mamarazzi said tarak money wor go Genting or BTS.

    Oo...kenot call Pondan coz they consider it insulting. They preferred to be call Mak Nyah

  17. Medie 007

    Terminal case already. No med liao

  18. Auntie Cynthia
    Car tarak petrol wor...have to tolak kereta

  19. Kristie

    I was hoping for that too...

  20. Prince & Princess Mum

    Yup certified already

  21. Alice

    Hahaha..I have yet to caught the Toy Story Craze :p

  22. oh..another place for this mummy to grab books.

  23. bookstore outlet...does ur boy love to read?

  24. wa,you got your own bookshop at home already not?hehe always see you buy books! really can read alot!

    small kucing listen to your mummy and don't drive one hand when big okay?later like auntie's brother,go bang divider.hehehe

  25. Hi Small Kuching, I'm just wondering how big is your bookcase or cabinet? Ha ha.
    You sure one voracious reader, but good for you....
    If you here in Toronto, I know where you'll be very often....

    We have THE World's BIGGEST bookstore here. And SK, you can spend the whole day and will not even finish the children's section....then there's the food, fiction, autobios, history, war, romance, etc etc...
    Have fun, best regards, Lee.

  26. never know about bookalicious..where is it?

  27. SmallKucing very good lah, waiting u buy books 1st only then proceed to have joyride!


  28. Vialentino

    Read ah...not very..he likes to "eat" books..bite bite bite till koyak...isk isk isk

  29. Beii

    Dont even have a library yet :( coz all the books tapaued in plastic bags. No place to display :(

    Aiyo...hope your bro is okay

  30. Uncle Lee

    Tiny place here. No space to display all the books...sigh...

    If I am at Toronto, I sure apply job to work in that book store

  31. Dora

    He is an easy going boy la

  32. Ravishing Peacock

    It's at Summit USJ. Ground floor.

  33. Hmmm... I dun think this Bookalicious is as cheap as BX. A tad more expensive, if you ask me, and there's no benefit of membership card that give you % off after buying certain ammount.

    If you ask Auntie la, Auntie will stick to BX...cuz cheaper, den sometimes, they oso gv thong thong. If you're a member, lagi syiok, after discount, lagi can discount. Bookalicious tarak.

    Come, smallkucing, auntie wanna go on rampage to BX. Warehouse sale we go together wan anot?

  34. I like the name of this new bookstore :) Too bad the prices are not as good ... did you say Big Bad Wolf is coming back ??! *goes hyper before remembering that she has no chance of going ... ah well

  35. Auntie Cleff

    You say one better come and pick me and Mamarazzi up on the 1st day of the sale ah

  36. Joanna

    Maybe the shop is still new and haven't have time to do up promotions and membership card gua

    as for BBWS..I saw in FB that they are asking people to recommend venue for the next sale. I assume that it will be soon gua. Else they would not have ask.

  37. If you and Mamarazzi dun mind Auntie Cleff's kereta buruk, can la, we go together. Tell your Mamarazzi to 'bribe' the driver with food, den can liao. LOL...

  38. wah, got new books again !Memang ulat buku ! i sini malas kucing hehe, malas baca buku ..

  39. Auntie cleff

    I thought bribe driver with LS kau tim kakaka

  40. Mummy Moon

    Coz kenot travel far reading is the best option without leaving the house

  41. Good to own books, but sad to find storage space.

  42. Mummyscchoo room nearly full with books liao..haiz..

  43. Time for me to go for book shopping too!

  44. Irenelim

    Eh...go BookXcess better la. They have a lot of fashion magazine leh. Foreign ones. RM9-90 only


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