
Mama Kucing Blogs

Friday 25 June 2010

Restaurant Tai Kee, Dataran Sunway Kota Damansara

Haven't been to this restaurant before. Located same row as Hakka Rang Restaurant.

Used to pass by here but always looked so "up thap". Must have changed management or new renovation. So many hawkers stall here.

Hmm...what shall I drink ah *Eksyen aje, hold the Menu also terbalik*

Ipoh Chicken Hor Fun for me. Uiks? Got a piece of lost prawn? Price RM5. Taste not that good. The oil on top was old but the chicken meat was tender.

Mamarazzi had the Assam Laksa. RM4. VERY disappointing. NO fish at all. Isk isk isk...Papa said should have return back the bowl of Assam Laksa to the stall.

Papa's Duck Egg Fried Kuey Teow. Gosh! they have pork lard! Taste okay except that it was pretty oily.

Lobak tasted quite good but unfortunately the cili for dipping was not good.

Will come again to makan or not? Most probably not. Even if go also would be for the Char Kuey Teow only.


  1. pork lard and oily bad for health...i always tell those hawker stall prepare my char kuey tiaw without pork lard

  2. The Assam Laksa doesn't look very appetising.....more like assam juice keh!

  3. Pete

    I think maybe the guy doing "vegetarian" asam laksa ah? Really tarak apa taste. kek sum

  4. Kumfye

    For me, I tarak pantang one. Wallop only. At this age, not a good thing to live to a ripe old age. Max 50 or 60 enough.

  5. Eyew...all don't look nice, and RM5 for that? I wouldn't want to go there...

  6. Hmm.. Looks like a disappointing makan outing ! Better luck next time, little kucing.

  7. Yea...the asam laksa looks so watery.

  8. Mama, today's pix blur abit wor...too hungry is it? :P

  9. Kathy...they do look horrible :p and so expenisve also . Wa the laksa also doesn't look appetising.

  10. LOL! Smallkucing learning to read backwards :P

  11. Hi angeline here, ur son very cute

  12. Mommy Ling

    Monk wash hair water

  13. Chris

    Ya..trial and error kakaka

  14. STP

    Trial and error lor.Ya..wouldnt go there for Asam Laksa and the Hor Fun

  15. uLi

    Na...forgot to bring Camera out. Had to use Handphone to snap the photos . Thats why blur

  16. Elin

    ya lor. but that is the thing la when looking for new food. Trial and error. Sometimes lucky will get nice ones

  17. Lenglui Witch

    hahaha...maybe hor..I didnt think of that

  18. Duck Egg Fried Kueh Tiaw!!! Yummy! In my opinion, char kueh tiaw must use pork lard then it will be delicious eventhough its not healthy. haha :D

  19. Lindy

    And also have to depend on the "wok hei".

  20. Ooooo...I love pork lard. But must control myself not to eat too much la. The hor fun at RM5 is very expensive le.

  21. oh, thanks for the warning, haha.. what's the name again?? Restaurant Tai Kee.. ok ok, will never go there then.. :D

  22. Looks so concentrate while ordering with the menu..

  23. Your caption on Joshua holding the menu terbalik is very cute!

  24. Hahaha! Next time hold the menu properly first then baru eksyen ok!

  25. MnHL

    maybe coz got 1 piece of big prawn gua :(

  26. Prince and Princess Mum

    eksyen aje he.

  27. SK

    The lobak and CKT passable la

  28. Alice

    :P but he memang eksyen mah..

  29. Chloe's Mummy

    Haiz..*shake head*

  30. The menu is upside down. He really got skills haha :)

  31. you write very funny, haha.
    the food this time not so sedap ya?

  32. Tuti have to have laughter sometimes lo. Else will go nuts.

    The CKT and the Lobak okay la. But really sad about the asam laksa lor


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