
Mama Kucing Blogs

Sunday 6 June 2010

Bedtime Stories And Prayers By Enid Blyton-The Friend of Little Children + Apom Balik

*Grinz* Had a nice jalan at Sunway. Tapau-ed some Apam Balik home.

Saw this "new" Apam Balik Stall at Restaurant Lai Kong, Dataran Mentari Sunway. Kira "new" gua coz a few months we didn't makan there already.

Seems this stall is "recommended" by Chui Ling, the 5 Meals 1 Day show host.

Mamarazzi being "wai sik" so she "tapau-ed" some Apam Balik home to eat.Wow...the whole car smell of the nice Apam Balik Aroma.

Special one. These are Apam Balik with peanut butter and Banana. Weird leh?

Taste okay okay la. Not crunchy enough. Maybe coz we 'tapau" home. If eaten there and then would have been better gua.

Perut kenyang, hati senang. Time for my bedtime story. It's a summary from Enid Blyton book

Jesus love children a lot and welcome them whenever the come to him. They love him. Like holding his hand and climb on his knee.

Jesus is lucky. If I was there, sure I panjat till head coz I always bully Mamarazzi and panjat her head. See how I like to climb.

Anyway, one day Jesus was preaching at a village and some of the mothers decided to bring their children to him hoping that he will bless their children.

The mothers pushed their way thru the crowds. At that time, Jesus looked tired and he had been talking whole day. His disciples were anxious that he should get some rest. So they turn away the mothers with the children when they tried to see Jesus.

Jesus saw what happen and he called his disciples and said "Do not forbid the children to come to me. Bring them here.They belong to the Kingdom of God just as you do.I say to you that unless you have the open heart of a little child, you cannot enter my Kingdom of Love!"(Quote from Enid Blyton book). Wah lau eh! so "yeng".

Some more Jesus said that children are his friends and his is theirs.

Haiz...sometimes being a child is better than being adult. Children are so innocent while adults.....isk isk isk..


  1. Wei..your apam balik making me hungry lah. Sudah lama tak makan..hehe.

    Wow..small kucing climbing the cot careful oh.

  2. yes, i always love this verse.. in fact i wrote this verse to one mum, i forgot who...hahahha... Jesus loves children and His kingdom belongs to them..

  3. yes, i always love this verse.. in fact i wrote this verse to one mum, i forgot who...hahahha... Jesus loves children and His kingdom belongs to them..

  4. Mummy Gwen

    Seems this apam balik have many "branches". Kinda expensive. You can add chicken floss. Saw one..rm4-50/pc

  5. Claire

    *sob*sob*...I wish I am back to need so much headache

  6. Eeee...Cleff also has apom balik... I like these thin crispy ones - don't like the thick rubbery ones. But usually such franchise places - nice but not that great. Prefer the roadside stalls anytime...

  7. I got one modern apom balik in my post today... hahahah... ish ish kempunan wanna eat the traditional ones. Anybody up for a hunt with me?

  8. Didn't know Enid Blyton had books on Bible Story.

    Can you imagine, when I was growing up in Sarawak, I didn't have Apom Balik?

    Had some in Singapore, by then, I am told I am allergic to peanuts. Ah ya!!!!

  9. I love the bedtime stories you told smallkucing. Nice.

  10. children usually enjoy every minute of their life..

  11. the pasar malam near my hse, the apom balik thick2 wan. a bit the blek... still prefer this kind, thin, crunchy with nuts. oh yums!

  12. Cleff

    Come...lets go apom balik hunting

  13. STP

    We like the thin and crispy type too

  14. Ann

    Alamak! You are allergic to nuts ah? Then maybe your can try this Apom. Can ask them not to put peanut. Taste will be different la

  15. Irene

    There is one very nice thin one at Seri Kembangan coffe shop but i dont know the address

  16. MODERN ROBINSON CRUSOE6 June 2010 at 14:22

    Yes adults sucks & the world is full of them ...How?? LOL...Stop children from growing up

  17. MRC

    Maybe can fly to Neverland like Peterpan and Wendy...

  18. Hahaha, another "stuntman" photo XD

  19. haha, apom balik plus jesus story.
    very nice. :)

  20. Tuti

    Reading makes people hungry :p

  21. I like this type of Apom Balik :) Yummy!

  22. This kind of apom balik is very delicious and I like it with cream corn. Taste sweet & salty! Nice nice! Your boy boy is actually quite active huh! My youngest brother's son is hyper-active. Very tiring looking after him. The only time for him to sit down is when he starts reading his books. Oh yes, he did very very well in his reading even only 4.

  23. uLi

    Ya the crispy one very nice. Just too bad we tapau home and the middle become soft. Not as crispy. Bet if eat there sure very nice

  24. Kristy

    Then must get more books for your kid.

    Mine one..his attention span is very short. Can't sit still..unless after kena rotan..isk isk isk

  25. Dumb people have dumb luck hahahaha! This is the 1st time I hear this :) Dumb people like me have no luck at all :(

    I like your bedtime stories too, and of course, the apom balik :)

  26. Ooohh...this reminds me about getting my teeth on apam balik again. But I prefer the Malay one bcos Chinese type is too dry for me - I like it moist. About adding banana to the apam balik, if I'm not mistaken, that one is Penang's style of apam balik. I agree, being a child is so much better than being an adult....have every good reason to be innocent and best of all, nothing to worry about!

  27. Chloe's Mummy

    Direct translation from Cantonese mah kakaka.."Sor yan yau sor fook"

  28. Alice

    Moist ones ah? means thick ones lo. I prefer the thin ones

  29. This apom is yummy....finger licking good!!

  30. Ah, i think i saw this in Chui Ling show. How it taste? Is it good?

    Now you make me want to eat Apom Balik!! Long time i didn't eat Apom Balik already. :(

  31. Annie

    Taste good . Just too bad come back it "lembik" already. If eat there and then sure to be good

  32. The apom balik looks so good !!! Must go and try.

  33. Ann

    Good if you can eat there and then. If tapau not so nice ady


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