
Mama Kucing Blogs

Tuesday 12 January 2010

The Wonders of Imaginations

Yo! Ho! Ho! I sit, I rock and I swirl. What fun it's its to have a 3-in-1 Chair. In the car it become my life saver. In the house, it become what ever I wanted it to be. It can be a Sofa, a Rocking Chair and even a Merry-Go-Round.

How wonderful it is to be young with imagination.

Let me leave you now with this song cetak rompak from Youtube and may it brings a smile to your face


  1. Hahah...modern rocking chair for small kucing har. My baby XJ also loves to play with it at home! smiled.

  2. Hahaha...Joshua is obviously enjoying his 3-in-1 chair! Ya, let kids enjoy themselves in their own imagination, after all, childhood only happens once a lifetime.

  3. Oh ..ya..thank you very much for the smile, mNhL :)

  4. mNhL

    kids are funny hor..can think of all kinds of things to do with a simple chair or household barangs

  5. MODERN ROBINSON CRUSOE12 January 2010 at 18:12

    Nowadys kiddie are very lucky..pampered with all kind of the way, nice retro song :)

  6. Hahaha 3-in-1 chair... so creative. :)

  7. hahaha ... this sure made me laugh. Very cute !

  8. Hello
    Just wanna dropp by to say thank you for your comment and constant visit...I apologize that smetimes I can´t really do visit you back faster that I would like to do...

    have a good wed...s

    see you and thanks again...


  9. Chee Yee,

    Hope he wont destroy the chair just yet :P

  10. Glad this makes you laugh, Joanna. People say laughter is the best medicine :)

  11. Thank you for visiting, Khim. Any time your are free, do come and visit. You have a very nice blog :)


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