
Mama Kucing Blogs

Thursday 14 January 2010

Lulian Oh Lulian

Went pasar malam. Walk half way saw lulian.

*Pouting* I want Lulian. I don't wanna let go. Mamarazzi! I want this lulian or else I refuse to go.

Yay Yay! I win. I got my Lulian. Yum yum..bitter sweet lulian. Didn't eat enough Lulian during New Year Feast.

Right hand hold one, left hand also must hold one. If not Mamarazzi would eat all the Lulian.


  1. i feel like having durians too! =)

  2. Oh he loves durians! Chloe will run far far away when she sees them haha!

  3. ChloeRuoyi,

    There was one periodwhich he doesnt like durian. Now taste changed. Now he loves them pulak.

  4. I wun eat durians unless they're all frozen up! U kno... cold cold nicer to eat!

  5. Ha ha, just bought some 2 days ago! Nice durians!

  6. eat already cannot afford to burp. especially during office hours.

  7. MODERN ROBINSON CRUSOE14 January 2010 at 17:10

    I think give the joshua boy one dozen oso he can wallop habis!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Woo...he likes lulian...too bad MiaoMiao don't like lor...

  9. I want luilian also can ah? I love that too!! :D

  10. Pete,

    I think durian season again. went Chow Yang pasar malam just now. Raja Kunyit selling for RM15/kg

  11. Tuti,

    no choice leh. It's either come out from the top ...or the bottom. Can ask your colleague to choose :p

  12. uLi

    Miow miow dun like ah...good. The next time you buy durian remember to call me too. Less man, more share :p

  13. MRC

    Not so sure about Joshua but the Mamarazzi, papa and Ah Mah sure can finish that in a second :p

  14. Cleffairy

    I am not really fond of frozen durian as thetend to los some taste after frozen. Thus, I would put into the fridge but not the freezer. Normally habis within 2 days .

  15. Cynthia...jom durian at the stall outside the Store :)

  16. Hey good morning, you are the second one i visited today ,7.52 am friday..hahahahah

    i rally had a giggle when i read your title in this post..Lulian Lulian,i thought what was that, it is durian .........very creative lah you..

    jom... mari pergi makan lulian bersama ah lian.

    take care now and have a great weekend

  17. thanks to you, now i miss lulian kao kao :-p

  18. I also saw lots of durians in Seremban area. Must be the season again. But bad weather = sore throat, how to eat la? hubby is craving for it since last week.

  19. Chris...yes! the good news is DURIAN IS BACK! I love the bitter taste durian

  20. Eugene,

    Are you another durian kaki? Yipee...join the durian gang andjom durian.

    May you have a good weekend too :)

  21. BoeyJoey,

    fastfast go borong some durian :)

  22. mNhL,

    Huh? ...mind if i ask whether if you are preg? Coz last time I was preg, hubby pulak sibuk craving for fried carrot cake..kakaka.

    Let hubby eat lulian la.Fight fire with fire mah. Sure no sore throat one :p

  23. Wow, he really loves durian, eat with 2 hands some more hehe

  24. Mesti-lah, Mummy Moon. Coz he scare mamarazzi going to finish all the durians :p

  25. It is fun to see your son exploring, experience and enjoying all sort of food.

  26. Thanks for visiting my blog, Jessica.

    I took a peek at your blog. I really envy your talent on paper cutting. You selling too?

    Yup, this budak really "wai sik" kakaka everything also wanna try and eat.

  27. About Joshua holding lulian in both his hands, scared Mamarazzi finish everything, this reminds me of Juan Or. I was holding a mini packet of Double Decker prawn crackers. Both of us were eating from the same packet. When the prawn crackers were about to finish, I noticed Juan Or eating faster and faster. hahaha....must be scared I sapu finish!

  28. Alice

    LOL...Juan Or also like that ah...

  29. Joshua loves durian? Not many kids love its taste.

    I must let Sarah try once and see what is her reaction towards it;-)

  30. Sarah's daddy & Mommy

    Initially when he was like 1 year + he doesnt like it. This round he likes pulak


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