
Mama Kucing Blogs

Tuesday 19 January 2010

The Chicken Rice Shop, Tesco Mutiara Damansara

This is another of my first. First time for me visiting The Chicken Rice Shop. Papa and Mamarazzi had ate this before. I was so excited by the Menu till I hold also "terbalik". many colourful pictures. Which one to choose? I end up choosing set Menu for two person with their new promotion that comes with 3 Layer Tea. Wonder what is a 3 Layer Tea.

Here comes the drinks. 3 Layers Tea. Wow...really had 3 Layers. I got so excited and impatient. I grabbed at Mamarazzi's glass as the Waiter was setting it down. It tumpah-ed all over the table and on my hand. Kena scolded by Papa and Mamarazzi.

The Waiter was so kind. He didn't scold me. He quickly wipe the table and even replaced a new glass of 3 Layer Tea for Mamarazzi without any charge. And we continued our Meal. Thank you very much, Mr Waiter.

Mamarazzi wanted Steam Chicken as she was not satisfied with the Steam Chicken at Jalan Gasing last week. This one tasted quite good. Soft and juicy.

Rice. Not that nice, as can taste that they did not cook it from stock made of chicken bones soup.

The soup. Not to my liking.

What is these things? Looks like popiah in a cup. Papa said it's called "Pai Tee"

Can eat ka?

Ngap!...hmm...sedap. Very crunchy. Love the crunchy skin.

Taugeh, cooked just nice. Not too soft nor too raw.

Satay Chicken. It's their current promotion. Taste very good.

It ain't Satay if it's without Satay Sauce. Very nice presentation. Taste okay.Just wish that it had more "kacang".

I must protest. Mamarazzi sapu the whole dish of Kerabu Mangga. She kept gobbling it down while saying very nice very nice. Papa and me only get to look aje.

Braised eggs. You see the photo you can guess how it taste already, right? Nevertheless, kira as a good meal. Worth it and the 3 Layer Tea was delicious.


  1. The waiter was really very kind wor. Kena clean up the mess, summore give u free replacement... got give him tip or not? :p

  2. He he, I eat here very often!

  3. Ooo...too excited to taste the 3 layer tea!! nice to get a new FREE replacement. Never tried the satay chicken. Must go and try one of these days....

  4. I love the Pai Tee as well...crunchy crunchy~

  5. I agree the 3 layer tea was very delicious!...more delicious than in Sarawak where it originally come from. The waiter was very good and generous to ganti the tumpah one.

  6. Why Papa tak makan the kerabu? Only three of you can makan so many things ah? Fuiyo.. :D

  7. MODERN ROBINSON CRUSOE19 January 2010 at 17:10

    3 layer tea?? If my eye don't deceived me...Actually i cannot recalled if i had tea more than 2 lapisan :D

  8. i also want to try the 3-layer tea!!

  9. Pete: is it? maybe I'll bump into you and your family one of these day

  10. Chloe- ya wor the waiter was real kind :) Happy with the service there

  11. uLi

    He loves the Pai Tee skin coz crunchy like keropok

  12. i prefer the 'actual' chicken rice cooked by chinese, much better.hahaha...

  13. mNhL

    My 1st time having 3 layer tea too.

    I think this Satay Chicken is one of their new promotion

  14. Merryn

    Coz Mamarazzi gobble up all the Kerabu before Papa managed to get to it :p

  15. Alice,

    this is my 1st time tasting 3 layer Tea. Didnt know what was it in the begining.

    Ya loh the waiter was very good :)

  16. 2ma

    I want 1 more 3 layer tea too

  17. MRC,

    Nope your eyes didnt deceived you. Can go and try this 3 layer tea. Nice

  18. I like their foods. Not bad at all. The rice is really fragrance and the chicken is so tender juicy.

  19. i love pai tee. but nowadays they don't make them with much effort anymore, so not so nice. now the poh piah stall will just add those bangkuang with a few sprigs of huan swee onto the pie tee cups and pronounce them as pie tees. :(

  20. Wah I did not know chicken rice shop serves so many dishes? Seldom go there to eat. Hahaha! Always go to the chinese restaurant and mamak near our house only. :P

  21. Yeeee..... kerabu pelam... i wan I wan... I like, I like. If I turn into a kucing, will mamarazzi feed me? Hmm... i wonder!

  22. Superman

    i like the dishes. The rice okay okay only. Am crazy about thier kerabu mangga :)

  23. tuti,

    what can i say but to agree with you..ask me to make pulak i dont know how to make

  24. Here kitty kitty...or rather here fairy fairy...come...mamarazzi give you kerabu mangga

  25. Chee yee,

    They have to be creative lo. Or else no business. They even have curry chicken, taufo, saito fishball and many others leh


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