
Mama Kucing Blogs

Friday 8 January 2010

Pasar Tani Opposite Giant Hyper Market, Kuala Trengganu

This is the Pasar Tani located opposite Giant Hypermarket, Kuala Trengganu. Many vegetable and meat are sold here during weekends.

One of my Yee Poh carrying me to the Pasar Tani. AhMah was busy selecting fish.

Ikan Patin at RM8/kg. Much cheaper than those of Temerloh. Ah Mah bought one and steamed at home. Fulamak! the meat very sweet and tender. Maybe next time we should buy here and bring home instead of buying at Temerloh.

Apart from Patin, they also have various fish like Telapia and these which I forgot the it belut or what?

If you wish, the seller will also cut and clean the fish for you at no extra charge. Good. Fresh fish at a cheap price.


  1. I have never once been to Pasar tani before, dont know why, we dont have it here in my place, we have pasar malam though, never like pasar malam, dirty and dusty...

    hey have a great weekend ya

  2. love the fresh fish from the sea ... curios ler...u stay in terengganu?

  3. The fish must be real FRESH! Mum will love this......

  4. eat fish becomes ngiow. :P

  5. Aiyerrrr.... I takut fish wan... =.= takut, takut!

  6. Penang no Pasar Tani? Oh I was not aware of that. Thought all over Msia also have Pasar Tani, Eugene

  7. Hard to get fresh fish in KL, Vialentino.

    We were visiting in-laws in K.Trengganu

  8. mNhL

    Very fresh fish. Just nice to use for steam fish :p

  9. Good for steam fish. Teochew style , uLi

  10. Takut ikan but makan ikan or not, Cleff

  11. kucing mana yang tak makan ikan, tuti :p

  12. Nice and fresh fish. Actually now government subsidize the locals to breed this fish to sell. Some is making good profit from it.

  13. huhuhu we never have it her in Sweden....they are all in ice...
    But I do love the steam fresh fish and prawn that I only pour hot water and start eating directly...ohh.. I miss hongkong the place who teach me to love fresh food....

    thanks for your comment and constant visit...really appreacite it...

  14. yeah one can get fresh veggies + meats@Pasar Tani.

    Kathy, the restaurant is located in Taman Desa. Do u familiar with the place? If yes, I'll email to u the address ok :-)


  15. I've heard of this place. The last time I went to Redang and then dropped by Trengganu for a walk around town, wanted to go there but.. tak kesampaian.. sigh..

  16. Fresh fish is goodfor you, Wenn :)

  17. You sure know how to cook up a steam, Khim. Love peeking at your blog :)

  18. Superman.

    Oh is it? I didnt know that. Tau makan aje :p ,

  19. I agak-agak know Taman Desa area a bit. The Pasar mlm part and Faber tower.


  20. Merryn

    Maybe next trip if you go Pulau Kapas, you can stay a day or two at K.T town. Some real interesting things to explore

  21. The 4th photo from the top, looks like ikan keli to me.

  22. I am not sure what sore of fish it was, Alice. we went there to buy Talapia and Patin


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