
Mama Kucing Blogs

Friday 15 January 2010


Paiseh...paiseh..the other day I was engross in watching "Footloose". Decided to try a few steps of my own. Mamarazzi caught me in the act of "experimenting" in dancing.

It was 45 seconds before I realised she was filming me. After that I refused to dance for the camera. Watching the first 45seconds of the video will do as the rest of the video are nonsense coz Mamarazzi forgot to "off" the video and she doesn't kno how to edit out the nonsense.

P/s : anyone have tips on how to edit .3gp file?


  1. Ha ha, love your sense of humour. Fortunately not watching 'Sex in the city' or 'Dirty dancing', ha ha.
    Have a nice day, Lee.

  2. LOL... I have no idea how to edit anything except for Word docs. LOL....

  3. Hahaha...Mamarazzi so "gu wak"...hehe!

  4. LOL...he is enjoying himself!!!

    Sorry...can't help in the editing thingy..cos i also don't know.

  5. I am using the windows media maker and pinnacle to do all the video editing..

  6. Cute leh, wenn. Like wanna cubit hor :p

  7. Uncle Lee

    like you've said, a day without humour is like a day without sun?*wink*

    Eh i never watch "Sex In the City" nor "Dirty dancing" one, Uncle Lee.*looking innocently at Uncle Lee like a cat just swallowed the canary*

  8. uLi,

    of course must be Gu Wak abit coz kids nowadays are cleverer than us.

  9. Aiyo, I thought can pinjam your fairy wand and magically edit this video geh, Cleff. "Tim chi" your wand also not working ah.

  10. mNhL

    yah he seems to enjoy"singing" and "dancing" though out of tune and steps :p

  11. Cynthia,

    I have tried Window Movie maker but it cant detect my 3gp file wor.Have to convert to wmv file baru can edit. It's the converting part la that i am lost on how to do.

    Have not tried Pinnacle.

  12. Ha ha what a cutie! Footloose, my favourite, used to dance to this tune during my teenage days! LOL!

  13. so "keng" one ah, Pete...

  14. really know how to enjoy themselves! hahaha.....oredi caught Joshua being carried away in his own world! :P

  15. Alice

    syok syok dancing there just like Juan Or swaying in front of the TV :)


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