
Mama Kucing Blogs

Tuesday 26 January 2010

Happy Fullmoon Baby Lyvia Ang Koo to eat. I love Ang Koo.

Happy Full Moon to you, Baby Lyvia. Thank you very much Uncle Simon and Auntie Enny for the gift pack. I will ask Papa to bring me visit you guys as soon as able.

P/s : Auntie Enny, please post more of Baby Lyvia's photos in FB okay.


  1. Wah,the full moon food in the package is so nice one.what's is the brown rounded thing in the middle lah?

    Happy full moon to baby lyvia too.

    you have a gareat week ahead

  2. Hi SK, that is one great shot! You should get it enlarged and framed, as well keep a copy give to him on his 21st birthday, ha ha.
    My wife makes ang koo fairly often when we have parties or karaoke dinners here.

    Have fun SK, best regards, Lee.

  3. ang koo fried also very nice! if too many cannot finish ie. lah. but sure finish everytime hor? lol.

  4. Butter cake! my fav. Nowadays, full moon gift pack look so organized and nice.

  5. Wooo...Happy fullmoon to baby Lyvia too :)

  6. OOooohhhh....I love ang koo and marble cake too! Yummy! Happy full moon to Baby Lyvia too (from an unknown Aunty)!

  7. Alamak....marble cake... =.= I want... i want! Aiyohhh! Why everytime I come smallkucing's blog, I sure see food that I like wan? Temptations...temptations everywhere!

  8. Eugene

    The big round thingy is marble cake la...

    I had it for breakfast time morning. Nice :)

  9. tuti.

    Got fried ang koo meh? just dump the thing into the pan and fry ah?

  10. Uncle Lee

    No la...i wont give this photo to him on his 21st birthday...will give the one Naked Rider to him instead :p

    Happy Birthday to you, Uncle Lee. mana my share of the birthday cake?

  11. uLi

    ahem ahem...when is little uLi Jr coming? :p

  12. mNhL

    and they have my choices too. Can have nasi kunyit and whatever

  13. Alice

    Joshua love ang koo too. When pregnant ate so many ang koo padahal i not keen on ang koo before pregnant.

    We even joked if he refused to come out when it's his due date, we will tempt him with ang koo kakaka

  14. Cleff

    aiya...sorry la. If i read this comment earlier, i would have brought along half of the marble cake to Merryn's place


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