
Mama Kucing Blogs

Friday 22 January 2010

Thank You BookXcess Again

Yay Yay...Mamarazzi is in a good mood. She belanja me eat Chuppa Chuppa Lolipop coz she won a book from BookXcess Blog Bonanza

We went to collect the prize and come back with extra 3 more books. Mamarrazi got this terrific Tracy Chevalier "Burning Bright" and Lee Child"Bad Luck and Trouble" at RM5 each only. And since she is purchasing two book, she was entitled to the Purchase With Purchase Offer of a book at RM9-90. She bought Rupert Tomson's "Divided Kingdom". Original price was RM19-90

How The hangman Lost His Heart is Mamarazzi's prize. Thank you once again to BookXcess for bring such a good selection of books to us.


  1. I never try Book Access before... but i always go for Payless Books warehouse sale and borong so many books til today not yet finish read!

  2. Wao...congrats to Mamarazzi oh~

  3. wow... congratulations. i really don;t know how your mamarazzi find time to read so many books *tabik*

  4. Wow! Congrats, Mamarrazi. and look like the boy got a treat too!! :)

  5. Congratulation, and please pass me the books once you finish reading them ya.hahahahahaha.

    have a great weekend my dear friend

  6. Congrats to Mamarazzi...and the chuppa lollie was my favourite 10 over years ago. Now no longer eat them. Too sweet. Btw, smiled on CIMB.

  7. Congratulations on winning something! And RM5 is good buy! By the way, just curious, you sempat baca all the books finish meh?

    Just to let you know too (in case you are interested), there's Hytex warehouse sale again, see

    P/S: Went to Nichii already. You can read about it and see photos in my warehouse sale blog.

  8. hahaha...mammarazi...damn funny ler...

    I really love books too!
    So happy that you won.Cool right?

  10. Cleff

    I used to chase after PLB sales too but nowadays seldom already coz most of the books are "recycled" from previous sale.

    Mee too...many books yet to read.

  11. Thank you, Boey Joey. i normally reads before I sleep :)

  12. Thank you , Eugene. another booklover ah...what kind of books that you like to read?

  13. Thank you, Rose. Yup...he was happy too :D

  14. mNhL,

    Thank you :). I used to have Chuppa when I was young. Nah..this is just a treat for him. Thus should be alright gua. Not going to let him have that daily :P

  15. Vialentino

    Good ma...can make you laugh. Laughing makes you younger:)

  16. Alice

    Thank you very much. Yes, I will gradually finish the books coz I biasa read before I sleep

    Thanks for the information about Hytex. However, unlikely to go as I've bought enough for Joshua(CNY).

    Okay will pop over to your blog as soon as i finishing this. :)

    Thank you once again

  17. Shakira

    Thank you . love books too ah :) Good :)

  18. I don't have Chupa Chups ah? I Good boy also leh!

  19. One Chuppa for you, Pete and one smelly heavy duty old boot for you to throw at the nasty dog that attack you the other day.

  20. oh no !! Those are going for RM5?! :(
    Was supposed to pay BookXcess a final visit today before catching my train but had all my luggage with me ..

    Shall definitely come up just to pay it more visits :)

  21. Joanna

    Yes, RM5 only. Some are rm9-90 only. if you have the time, it's worth a visit. Especially during weekend. SAmcorp Mall have flea market too. There are 2nd hand books at the flea market too.


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