
Mama Kucing Blogs

Wednesday 27 January 2010

Saved By The Bell...or Rather By The Phone

Oh no! Mamarazzi is busy playing masak-masak in the kitchen. Cham loh..I'll become Guinea Pig again loh. Helppppppp!

The phone~
The phone is ringing~
Auntie Cynthia~
Auntie Cynthia is calling~
(Singing out of tune to the Wonder Pets Song)

Auntie Cynthia is at Auntie Merryn's home and asked us to join. She said that apart from Princess Breanna, she had also managed to bring along a Fairy.

A quick bath and a change of clothes. That is how I end up here. Saved by the phone.

What do bloggers do when they meet up? The first thing that come out is c.a.m.e.r.a. If you look properly, you will see two Leng Mummy and one Leng Fairy busy snapping photos behind me.

As for me, I was busy playing with Kor Kor Ethan with Princess Breanna looking on. Kor Kor Ethan was very generous with his toys. He even show me where to press on the horsey to make horsey sound.

Group photo time again.I tengah "intai" princess Breanna. Feel like C.u.b.i.t. her. She is soooo cute.

And too soon I had to go home liao. It was nice meeting Princess Breanna and Kor Kor Ethan. I hope Auntie Merryn will invite me to play with Ethan again even though I nearly smashed her mirror to pieces *chuckling*


  1. OMG, OMG... your smallkucing watch Wonder pets? My Alien oso watch Wonder Pets wan... *grinZ*

    Anyway, it's nice meet you, Mamarazzi... but we forgot to exchange number. =.= I wanted to thank you for your tub or err... kerepek ah... my Alien wolloped it liao. Thank you very much.

  2. Cute cute! children and mummies gathering :p

  3. wah, u made 2 new friends!

  4. I like the last pic. They are so cute in a row. How i wish to join u gals too..

  5. U smash the mirror into pieces tak per, can buy again. But if the mirror falls ONTO you.... aiyo.. dare not even think bout it!!!! now u know where I live, come.. come anytime :D

  6. Hey how come Cleff's little prince Adrian was not there lah...

    i am happy that finally you guys met up, in actual fact,i only see the real of Merryn only, not you and Cleff... hahahah,, can send me pictures ka,, you and cleff,,,

    just a request only lah,,,

  7. Cleff

    He likes to watch Hi-5 and wonder pets.

    Ya loh I was rushing yesterday and didntget to exchange phone num with you. Anyway , have emailed you my num :p

    Not only that...this mamarazzi nyanyuk betul...didnt even catch your name. *pengsan* Too busy snapping photos.kekeke

  8. Wenn

    Yay1 1 kor kor and 1 mei mei :D

  9. Rose

    Yup and very nice unexpected gathering

  10. Mummy Ling

    It was a spur of the moment thingy.

    The last pic looks like children "Pai Pai chor"..ya love it too :)

  11. Merryn

    If mirror fall on me then i get to wear a turban lor ..

  12. Eugene

    Cleff little boy having a little bonding time withbthe papa lor.

    As for Cleff and Mamarazzi, both are camera shy :p

  13. uLi's like CAMERA! REAFY! ACTION! kakaka flashes everywhere *exagerating a bit*

  14. Nice get-together for mummy bloggers. Wish I have the time and flexibility for that too (always cooked up in office from 9 to 5 or even longer!) :P

  15. Such a fun activity - mummy and kids meeting. ^_^

  16. Oh we love the WonderPets too! I'm sure you all had merry good time at Merryn's house :-)

  17. Ahaha... it's ok. I oso nyanyuk ma... busy yakking and look at the kids, til forget to tell you my name and give you my numbers. LOL...I've received and just replied your email. You take care, ok? LOL... and dun let nyamuk bite smallkucing again! LOL... Auntie here takut denggue worrr~!

  18. Alice

    No worry wor..Princess Breanna's birthday coming soon :)

  19. Chloe

    Uiks..another Wonder Pets fan ah?

  20. mHnL

    Time flies when one is happy. Kejap aje it's time to go home.

  21. Cleff

    sama sama nyanyuk lo kekeke...

    Received your e-mail ady :)

    I am scared of dengue too. Complaint so many times to the authority but no action taken :(

  22. Everyone has so much fun ya. :)
    I think i saw your picture in your blog before...hehehehhe

    Sometime last minute arrangement it sound more fun, no need to plan and plan and plan, end up tak jadi. :)

  23. i tot your joshua is older than ethan... now only i know ethan is the kor kor.. :p

  24. Claire,

    Yes, we compared notes. Ethan is half a year older than Joshua. Ethan is such a smart and generous boy.

  25. Annie

    Am camera shy mah. Put my face on my own blog and some readers got scared off. That's why I only "appear" once in a blue moon loh. If you see my face in the blog post then you must run to buy lottery. Sure kena one :p

  26. Hi SK, Love his cute looks, by the way, when his baby sister or brother arriving, *wink*? Lee.

  27. Uncle Lee

    The Stork is currently on leave :p


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