
Mama Kucing Blogs

Wednesday 6 January 2010

Restaurant Meka, Kuala Trengganu

Yawn! every time go back to Kong Kong's house sure makan-makan and more makan.

Each time we balik kampung, Mamarazzi loves to tapau food from Restaurant Meka located at 66/16, Jalan Sultan Omarl, Kuala Terengganu. Mamarazzi loves the Sotong.

Here is what she "tapau-ed". Steamed rice with sotong and fish roe. Disgusting looking ya? But don't judge a book by its cover and rice by it's messiness. The taste was very good. the sotong was fresh and bouncy and the fish eggy was very crunchy.

Also "tapau-ed" some nangka. Cooked with just the right taste. No wonder Mamarazzi kept going to this shop.

Price wise not cheap. The rice with the fish roe and sotong costed RM6. But it's worth every cents.

Apart from that, this restaurant also sells Rojak Ayam. It's the first time Mamarazzi had Rojak Ayam. Normally in KL we can only find Indian Rojak with Egg or Sotong. Never saw one with Chicken. This plate cost RM3 only. There are a lot if chicken in it. Taste veru good too. Thegravy was not too sweet nor too spicy. Even I can eat it.


  1. The rice priced at RM6 is really expensive! But there is a price to pay for good food! hehe.... My hometown got one rest. selling rojak ayam. They use those chinese rojak sauce (black color type) and pour onto the fried chicken. Very nice!

  2. i would love to try the rojak ayam!

  3. seeing this.. tomorrow i feel like eating indian curry already.. i let u know and see it tomorrow if i go.. :)

  4. uLi

    I agree. Nice food. I am in love with the sotong

  5. mNhL

    The Sotong is a already RM3, i think. Love it coz very fresh and bouncy.

    Where about is your hometown? Gotthe address of the Rojak Ayam stall/shop? If we do pass by your hometown, I would like to try it.

  6. Aiyo, gimme sotong and fish roe ANYTIME man! I love them to the max! :D

  7. hmm...the sotong looks big. is this typical malay food over there?

  8. Wah... the rice looks like the rice I used to have in my school canteen what i was a school kid! LOl...

  9. rojak ayam...hmm...i also want to try!!

  10. Yay! another "sotong" gang, Merryn :D

  11. Chris,

    There are many malay food there but these are the ones i like.

    Over there famous for Nasi Dagang, Nasi Kerabu, tupat and some other stuffs. However, I tak biasa eat those thus dont really like it.

  12. far to tapau for you la, 2ma. Maybe if you go K.Trengganu then can eat there la.

  13. Cleffairy,

    your school canteen so nice one ah? Got mix rice punya. Mine was noodle, porridge or nasi lemak. No choice.


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