
Mama Kucing Blogs

Saturday 2 January 2010

Our New Year Feast 2010

Jeng~Jeng~Jeng~ Happy New Year, 2010! May this year brings everyone "Fung Yui Chok Sik".

What a better way to start a new year than having a awesome meal with some good friends. Yummy steamboat.

With additional side dish of Century Eggs.

Lovely Big Prawns contributed by Auntie Florence and Uncle Patrick

Fuiyoh! Crabs full of "eggs" punya. Uncle Patrick really pandai select these crabs

Steam Prawns with Egg White and Chinese Cooking Wine. Eat liao can wiwangwang punya.

Jeng~Jeng~Jeng~ 15mins in the steamer, the crabs are ready for consumption.

Masuk all the "liu" into the pot.

All aboard for a hot bath? Here comes the lid.

Wah lau eh! Papa tak sabar liao. While waiting for the Steamboat to be ready, he "attacked" the crabs liao.

Meantime, I also "attack" the jagung la.

One Big Happy Boy with his food.

One Small Happy Kucing with his food.

Come, I feed you, Auntie Florence.

This crab's "khong" is very delicious and juicy.

Busy "practising" eating on my own.

One lick of a finger mana cukup?

I want a whole piece for myself.
Yay!Yay! I ate durian *dancing a jig*

Hmm...this piece as commented by Auntie Florence, looks like the face of a frog. Frog or no frog, masuk my tummy also la .



  1. wow! it's yummilicious... especially the crab... drooling over the crab. Can i request uncle Patrick to help to select some nice nice crab for me :p

  2. haha, so cute, the frog!
    so after you ate it, did you go "croak croak"? :P what a wonderful meal to usher in more good days for 2010!

  3. wow...know which one i love? the crabs, the prawns and lastly the durians.. ooooooo... sedapnya... papa looked so cute..

  4. wow, nice steam boat liu n durians too!

  5. Yo.. so cute this little boy eating jagung! haha..

  6. Can as Uncle Patrick to select the crabs fryou, TZ provided we get to eat too :p

  7. Aisay...your favourite food too time sure invite you over, Claire

  8. Tuti..not croak croak croak. Instead he goes proot proot proot. Guess your lausai the other day migrated over here lor.

  9. Wenn, Ya the steamboat with lotsa liu and vege. the jagung made the soup very sweet. yummmm.

  10. Wei Ming thanks for visiting my blog. Yup, this bouy love to sink his new teeth into the jagung.

  11. you're certainly having fun makan-makan. Durian so yummy. I'm sharing friendship award with you. Take it from my blog so you have other pic to share..he..he..

  12. you're certainly having fun makan-makan. I'm sharing friendship award with your blog. Take it from my blog so you have other pic to blog about...hi..hi..

  13. amboi, check out lil prince, enjoy habis! pei dan, oh i love!

  14. another durian lover here *hehe* shan rae loves durian too :D


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