
Mama Kucing Blogs

Thursday 21 January 2010

RSH Warehouse Sale, 20-24 January 2010

*sob*sob* I nearly kena tinggal. As we were going out yesterday, I was naughty. I hit Papa and then I hit Mamarazzi. Both were angry with me and scolded me. Said that I was to stay home. Cannot go gai-gai.

I cried and cried and when they ask me whether I'll be naughty some more or not, I geleng kepala. Only then did they let me go with them.

We finally arrived at the RSH Warehouse Sale at Lot 691 Kompleks Hamodal 5, Jalan Lagoon Selatan, Off JlnKewajipan, SubangJaya. It's only 10.30a.m. but many people in the warehouse already. Very crowded. I get to ride on Papa's shoulder.

Very cheap. Saw there are some swimming goggles, a lot of sports shoes going at half price around RM139-RM199(NP: RM250-RM400), ladies and men sandals, kids sandals, badminton racket, swim suit and a lot of T-shirts RM19-RM39(NP RM70 and above).

Four counters were open for payment at the queue started to be long at 11.30a.m. Very crowded and very hot. From my birds eye view, I saw a Kor Kor and Jie Jie seems to be cold coz they were hugging each other tightly. The Kor Kor hand must be freezing coz he put in the Jie Jie pant back pocket and kept on rubbing and rubbing. Hmmm...or maybe he was just helping the JieJie to look for her money kot?

So...back to the story. What did we buy? Mamarazzi managed to grab this pair of sandals at RM5.

And this pair of Rider Sandal for me at RM10. Still a bit big but my feet are growing very fast.

Papa managed to grab a pair of Reebok for RM199.(NP RM400)

And this pair of Merrell. Wow! only RM150. 60% off the original price.

Mamarazzi's pair of Reebok at RM139.

I wanna try too coz I heard Reebok shoes are very comfy. Cantik tak?


  1. havent bought reebok shoes for a looong time already =p

  2. NICE shoes there! But I'm more of a boot type of person.. go jogging oso pakai boots! :P

  3. Wah good bargain...CNY shopping?

  4. wahhh...u bought so many!! keng ah!!

  5. Great bargain & everyone got nice shoes! Hey, I love Reebok too 'coz it's very comfy for jogging/walking :-)


  6. i wish im there too. Love to get a new pair of sneakers!

  7. Ha, Joshua! Noti-ah! Cannot simply hit Papa and Mamarazzi one ah, must respect your elders.

    Nice and comfortable looking shoes - can walk far, far and go to more warehouse sales. :-) As for me, long time didnt buy shoes fact I'm more of a rubber slippers person! ^ ^

  8. test test see if i can comment or not now. EH my husband also went to this wearhouse sale never bring me!!!! aiyoh.. so chap SHU LA!

  9. reebok ah? wahwahwah. cool wor. cheap somemore. haisay if all sizes super accurate i ask you buy a few for all my friends and me. let you earn RM20 each pair lah, cheh. :PPPP

  10. Angel Bear

    I also tak biasa buy Reebok but since it's a warehouse sale and cheap, so bought lor.

  11. Merryn

    Yikes! jogging also wear boots ah? How to jog...?

    Mamarazzi prefered sport shoe coz ca run faster to chase the small kucing

  12. 2ma

    I think if you go, you will sapu some shoes too. Many sandals and baju

  13. Pete

    The papa wants to buy shoe. Mamarazzi and smallkucing saja tag along to kaypoh. Tim Chi come back a few hundred poorer :p

  14. Dora

    Then you should go and have a look too la. Better go today or Friday coz Saturday sure very crowded

  15. Chris

    I prefer wearing sneakers too than sandals or heels. More comfy to walk

  16. Alice

    They have ladies sandals there too. I think something like rm19/ pair. Not too sure coz i didnt look properly.

  17. Sasha

    Uiks? your hubby also there ah? managed to grab a lot? You drive there la ..ask hubby to take care of the kid :p

  18. Tuti

    ya lor..the size always tarak ngum. One brand UK size is different from another brand UK size. Maybe the "cutting".

    Gosh...saw a lady borong so much. Total amount RM1,322!! Baju and shoe. Maybe to sell kot?

  19. I am very poor. Pakai selipar jepun sudahlah! Ehehehehehehehe!

  20. Wah... all above rm100 oso you consider cheap hor? To me, they are still expensive leh. Me very the stingy wan... patut ler my anak tegur haha!

  21. MODERN ROBINSON CRUSOE21 January 2010 at 17:47

    hehe, thx SK...4 supporting my "ex-company"..LAst time it was @ Jln tandang...
    Golf house, sports station retail outlet under the group companies...hehe

  22. Chleo

    Kira as cheap la considering that the original price is RM400-RM500

  23. alot to shop in warehouse sales hor...hehe!

  24. uLi

    Actually plan to buy shoe for Papa only. Tim chi go there look see look see, 1 pair of shoe magically turned into several pairs pulak..haiz....

  25. Haha...Joshua's bird eye view saw something *cough cough*. funny.

    And that's a lot of shoes!!! All going jogging?

  26. I like Reebok shoe. Not only that it is comfy, I find it more lasting than other brand like Nike and cheaper too. :)

  27. Cheeyee

    It's my 1st reebok.Hope it's good:)

  28. mNhL

    Aiyo...censored censored :p

    Not jogging. More like walking :D


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