
Mama Kucing Blogs

Thursday 7 January 2010

Nasi E-Kukus Jalan Kamaruddin, Kuala Trengganu

This is another one of Mamarazzi favourite stall. This Nasi Kukus is very famous there. Located at Jalan Kamaruddin, right in font of the traffic light. By noon time, there will be a long queue of people waiting to be fed.

This stall offers quite a variety of dishes. Mamarazzi usually go there around 11.30am when they are just coming up with the dishes, to avoid the crowd.

The Steamed rice.

Mamarazzi "tapau-ed" the Nasi Kukus with Fried Chicken and cabbage. Price RM4.50. Large portion of rice and the chicken drumstick was very big and juicy. Overall tasted very good. A must try when you are on K.Trengganu.


  1. MODERN ROBINSON CRUSOE7 January 2010 at 12:49

    Thx for the intro : Nasi Kukus but E- prefix in front stands for Express or electronics?? LOL

  2. apparently, nasi kukus very famous in KL now....very long queue ler...even got nasi kukus nasi lemak...

    btw, thanks for ur vote. And yes, Sylphy is working in Public Bank ... hehehe....wat a small world.

  3. economy rice!!! I love to tapau those economy rice. Cheap, fast and big portion. :p

  4. I like nasi kukus very much!! At my working place also got 1 famous stall, same price as this post =)

  5. Robinson

    *scratching head* duno wat it stand for..will ask them the next round I go :p

  6. Vialentino

    Saw several Nasi Kukus & Nasi Lemak Kukus around NZX area but have never tried.

    A small world indeed.Noticed her name coz the special spelling. Face change quite a bit after wedding make up. Havent seen her in 6 years.

  7. uLi,

    where? I wana try also. Or maybe you blog about it la. Snap some pix ;D

  8. Rose,

    When I am lazy to cook i will tapau economy rice.

    When in KT will sure to tapaueither from Meka or this stall. Love their cooking

  9. Very rare to see people selling this kind of rice le. But my mum used to kukus at home. She never use the rice cooker.

  10. that rice looks good...yummy..cosy place I think?

  11. Nasi kukus sounds like a special rice... must be very fragrance!

  12. Nasi going cyber....E Kukus,LOL!

  13. mNhL

    Your mom daily make nasi kukus? wow. Lucky you

  14. Khim

    Road side stall. Cant say that it's cosy. Rather hot if eat there. Thus always "tapau". Taste yummy.

  15. Chris,

    Ya rather special. Love the dishes there too.


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