
Mama Kucing Blogs

Tuesday 12 January 2010

Oh No! I Have Turned Into A "Fairy"

Alamak! when did I become a "Fairy"? Have my birdie flown away in the night?

Am I dreaming? I am on a Billboard?

Yikes? My photos in gallery? Surely am dreaming.

Aiks? Bila pulak Mamarazzi and me acted in old movies?

And why this angry looking "gentleman" holding my photo? Ada hutang kat dia ka?

Wah lau getting heart attack liao.

Mamarazzi teruklah. She heard about this from Auntie BoeyJoey. She went there whole night to mess around with photos effects and that is how I got turned into a "fairy". Haiz...

Mamarazzi was unsure about the copyright of the photos thus she wrote to Photofunia Team to ask whether she can use these for her blog and surprisingly the reply came within a few hours and they replied it's alright. Thank you very much!


  1. Ha ha ha, cute. I like the one in the old television movie! My daughter would love this site!

  2. Wow, very nice *clap clap clap* I like the billboard one... little Joshua looks so happy :-D

  3. Thank to you, Boey Joey for pointing the way :)

  4. Pete,

    I think your daughter will love it too :P

  5. I like all :-) The fairy one is cute, the billboard one looks like a real ad, and the old movie one... classic!

  6. I've made dozens of them, Chleo.Went mad last night playing with the photos.

    Actually saw some in FB a few months back. Didnt know where to get till Boey Joey point the way :)

  7. This is a great website. I also played with some of my kid's photos and like the outcome. I've also blog about it few months back.

  8. *stands in line wait for autograph*
    you famous mah. :D

  9. of now, after seeing your Facebook one, I did the same with Juan Or's photos, only now waiting to put up a new blogpost on this. Thanks for the link (and to Boey Joey too!)!

  10. Tuti,

    for you no need to stand in line
    Can cut Q any time :)

  11. mNhL

    Me slow on the up take a bit. I baru got to know aboutthis. Hey mind gicing me the link to your said post? would love to take a peek

  12. Alice

    Fast fast upload are making me kan cheong liao. Impatient to see Juan Or's picx

  13. MODERN ROBINSON CRUSOE12 January 2010 at 18:04

    Thx for the intro on this photofunia thing...Amazingly creative & amusing as well :)

  14. hahaha...having fun with photofunia huh?

  15. cute! I love the first fairy picture & the billboard one. Nice!

  16. Did you went there and play around with it? MRC. Mamarazzi gone nuts. Play with it till 4.30am the other day.

  17. *sigh sigh sigh*

    Mamarazzi, that's not a fairy lah... that's Cupid... fairies dun use bow and arrows... tsk tsk tsk. Fairies uses wand you know... I'm a fairy, so I know. Cupid no good wan, shoot people's heart and make them bleed! Very kanasai feller!

  18. mNhL,

    Thanks for link link . Love the last photo. Feel like pinching the cheek :P

  19. Ya loh, Chris. People discover it long ago but i just discovered...kakaka. Me a bit slow :p

  20. I love them too, Annie. His smile was very nice in the billboard pix. :p

  21. Cleffairy

    Ohh..not "fairy" ah? Good la.

    If I got turned into a "fairy", my gramps would be jumping up and down. :p

    Cupid not good meh? Shoot upper region instead of lower region :p

  22. ya loh , uLi. Photo fun ya Photofunia..kekeke

  23. oh.andakah itu ketika kecikk?
    mesti ramai kembar u kan?
    sbb byk photo ade u!hehehehe =p

  24. Thanks for visiting this blog, aMaD :)

    ramai kembar. Sampai whole album full to his photos


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