
Mama Kucing Blogs

Sunday 24 January 2010

Restaurant Noodle Village

We went to this simple and cozy restaurant called Restaurant Noodle Village at No 55 Jalan PJU 5/21, The Strand, Kota Damansara. It's newly opened. From the Menu, they seems to specialise in Pan Mee and all sorts of Tea.

Service very efficient. They even provide me with a small bowl and spoon without Mamarazzi having to ask. Many resturants would ignore small people like me.

Mamarazzi's throat was feeling not so well from all the durians. Thus she ordered this Lemon Honey Drink. RM3-90. Not bad.

The Sambal for the Pan Mee. Wah...this sambal sure have "kick"! love it love it!

Papa's Clear soup Pan Mee. Portion quite big. RM6-80.

Let me taste first. The noodle is very nice. In fact it's nicer than the Taman Sri Sentosa Pan Mee

Mamarazzi's Dumpling Clear Soup Pan Mee also RM6-80. Have 3 dumplings in it.

Sedap. The dumplings are nice too. Not too much flour as in some shop. Have carrot and sengkuang.

Noticed the lady in red? She is one of the Lady Boss there.

Overall, satisfied by the Pan Mee here. The only thing I have to comment is the soup is a bit too salty. Could it have been due to the soup being boiled since morning to night? Mamarazzi didn't get the chance to ask the Lady Boss regarding the soup base.


  1. MODERN ROBINSON CRUSOE24 January 2010 at 10:59

    If this restaurant so service-orientated, even cater to small Joshua need, there's a good customer service :P

  2. wah...a bowl pan mee cost 6.80! in food court 3.50..heehe... anyway, cannot compare la.. as long as hoe sik.. right?

  3. Is this noodles village same as the noodles village @ Aman Suria? The whole shop is only sell all kinds of noodles... they are famous for its Pan Mee... :p

  4. Joshua is going to be a food expert in no time :))

  5. So kecik oso so pandai become food critic dy eh? :D

  6. Chillies play a very important role in pan mee I think :) I just had pan mee for dinner just now at Jln.Alor...

  7. MRC: since have smallkucing, I am more choosy about restaurant. Tend to "boycott" those restaurant that ignore "little People" unless of course the food is exceptionally nice la

  8. Andy

    Thanks for visiting my blog :)

    Might be expensive but it's worth it la since it's good. I find that most Food Court food tend to be lousy coz most stalls are handled by foreign workers who cant cook our food.

    I rather go to road side hawker stall instead of Food Court.

  9. TZ ,

    Not sure wor whether it's same as Aman Suria. This shop just opened a week or so.

  10. Agnes,

    Ya loh he very wai sik. Today saw me holding a packet of nail (Ti Ten), he say want to eat. I pengsan loh

  11. Merryn,

    of course la...coz the Papa and Mamarazzi always bring him makan makan kekeke

  12. uLi

    wah...jalan alor got lotsa good food leh.

  13. Wenn

    Ohh you like Pan Mee too ah..then if you free try out this shop la

  14. I love Pan mee...also posted one post on this last wk :)

  15. I saw your post on Pan Mee last week, Chris.

    Surprisingly the decoration and furniture of this restaurant looked similar to the restaurnt that you went to :D

  16. haha.. the kid looks cute while eating =)

  17. food is happiness.
    everyday want to be happy must eat eat eat. haha.

  18. Yup, agree that this restaurant has good service - didn't overlook the presence of 'little people' like Joshua! For the restaurants that hubby, myself and Juan Or have gone to, the same restaurant sometimes provides utensils for Juan Or, sometimes doesn't....inconsistent one, seems to depend on the jurisdiction of the waiter/waitress that serves us.

  19. i love pan mee!!! maybe should check it out one day

  20. Ohh...the cilli....must be eating till sweating and sneezing. hehe...

    Btw, there is one very good pan mee selling at the Sri Petaling pasar malam (Tues and Fri). Ate that before? limau self service to add into the cilli. How I missed that.

  21. Ken,

    cute ah? wait till he bite your fingers :p

  22. mNhL

    yup i know the SP one. Stall near the end of the road in a van/lorry, right. Yes, very sedap.


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