
Mama Kucing Blogs

Saturday 20 February 2010

Triple S Celebration

Today marks the triple S celebration.Chinese New Year SMALL Open House, Papa's SMALL birthday celebration and mine SMALL birthday celebration.

I woke up late. All the food have been prepared liao.Nothing for me to do except from waiting for the guests to arrive.

Auntie Woo sponsored the lovely Gulai Ayam and delicious Satay. Hmm...yumm..Thank you very much Auntie Woo.

Kaw Por and Kaw Yong were the first to arrive. Follow by Mommy Ling, Auntie Shirley, Auntie Pavenjit and Kor Kor Rowan

But soon this Pretty Princess Breanna came with Auntie Cynthia.

Gosh! Such a pretty cake. Homemade by Auntie Cynthia. Can't wait to have a bite.

Uiks! Auntie Cynthia also made a cake for Papa. Wah Lau eh! Thank you very much, Auntie Cynthia.

Princess Breanna looks so cute today...but come to think of it, she always looked CUTE. While Princess was looking cute, Kor Kor Ethan came with Uncle William and Auntie Merryn.

Wau...Kor Kor Rowan so high-tech leh. Very busy with his gadget. I also got ah...I stole Auntie Bibi's handphone while she was not looking.Kena Mamarazzi scold.

Kor Kor James enjoying his food.Wow..he sure love the mini sausages.

This is my birthday present from Papa and Mamarazzi. A rocking chair. I love it.

Having a chit chat with Breanna.

Hey, Lenglui..where you're going so fast? Mine give me your number?


Cake Cutting.Got two cakes but mine is much nicer than Papa's. There is so many Teddy Bears around it.

Suck finger first. Wait for photo time and blowing of candle.

Aiya....Photo till how long leh...I am want to eat the cake leh.

I huff and I puff. Yay! This year I can blow out the candle by myself.

Grab a bit first. YUMMMMY GUMMYYYY...Yipee dooo dah...

See my "misai kucing" .

Time to distribute the cake. Efficient Auntie Cynthia cutting the cake.

Kor Kor Ethan sure enjoy the cake with his bottle of"beer".

Alamak! I didn't bully Breanna ah.I thought to have my photo taken with my "sweetheart" only mah.

To all the Uncles and Aunties, Kor Kor and Jie Jie. Thank you very much for coming ya and thank you for the "hand letters".


  1. Woot Happy Birthday to Papa and Small kucing! Wah so much food to eat. And got Thomas train cake some more!

    Nice rocking chair! Must be fun!

  2. alamax.. triple celebration eh? must go rectify my post now.. lol...

  3. Gong Xi Fat Cai! So good to have triple celebration! Happy birthday to small kucing! The cake is so nice, got two cakes from Cnythia? shiok nya!

  4. So many dinosaur eggs leh? LOL...Apa macam, can finish da food anot? Wakakakaka!

  5. Ya...HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the two of you! Aiyor...the cake looks soooooo nice, sooooo cute!!! Grown one year older now - so must be good boy liao!!!

  6. Happy birthday to Joshua and Paparazzi! Nice celebration there. The Thomas cake is so nice :-)

  7. Happy Birthday to smallkucing, Joshua :)

  8. MODERN ROBINSON CRUSOE21 February 2010 at 18:02

    First time saw mamarazzi photo ...By the way, happy birthday to Joushua; it's great to be able to celebrate during CNY as well :)

  9. what a nice celebration for the little kiddo, i bet he was having a blast!

  10. Chee Yee

    Thank you very much for the good wishes :)

    Very nice and delicious cake, a gift made by Cynthia

  11. Mummy Moon

    Gong Xi Fatt Chai

    Ya loh very lucky to get two delicious cake from Cynthia. Some more she just got back in town and rush to make the cakes. Very kind and nice of her. One in a million

  12. Cleff

    I made Yellow Rice for yellow mind people come the two yellow mind people didnt finish it ah? Ask you to tapau you shy shy pulak

  13. STP

    Nice leh the cakes :)

    Grow one year become no longer good boy loh...start the TERRIBLE TWO stage lo....Mamarazzi will be very cham liao

  14. Thank you, Chloe

    The cake was so nice that all sapu clean except from Papa's cake. Everyonetoo full to makan more

  15. MRC

    Mamarazzi camera shy only appear once in a blue moon lor.

    And thank you very much for the kind wishes :)

  16. Irene

    He did. and even climb the windows too.Dont believe u ask Cleff...kakaka

  17. @Irene... yeah... he really climbed the window... made my heart feel like jumping out of my mouth. Lucky I didn't get cardiac arrest!!!

    @Mamarazzi... ur paparazzi over there, I shy la... to not shy? Wait he think I bottomless pit, semua oso I makan... not only makan, den wanna sapu bring back oso! he's not there, u can see diff face liao...and I will sapu licin ur beehoon oso!!!

  18. Wow! Triple Celebration!! Happy belated birthday to small kucing and your daddy!! Lovely birthday cake and can see everyone had so much fun.

  19. Annie

    Thank you very much .It's not late. We celebrated early only coz coincide with weekend.

    Papa's Birthday is today and mine is tomorrow :)

    Yes...very lovely and DELICIOUS cake

  20. Aiyaa..i missed the yummy cake lor. Btw, i love ur dragon fruit agar-agar though my tougue was tastless but i like the refreshing feeling..hehhe..Long time i didnt have home made agar agar edy.

    Anyway, thanks for inviting me to ur hse meeting ur family and cute Joshua.

  21. Mommy Ling

    You lah...cabut lari so fast. Scared not enough food and the guests will eat u up is it? kekeke.

    The rest of thegang was looking for you la. U missed Merryn by 5mins only

  22. Cynthia is so nice and thoughtful, one shot bake two cakes for the birthday boys:-)

    Anyway, Happy Belated Birthday once more for Joshua and his daddy.

  23. Sarah's Daddy & Mommy

    Cynthia is indeed very thoughtful and kind. Even brought along the number "2" candle!

  24. You have adorable kids, look at him, sitting on the chair, looking so cute, simply darling. Thanks for visiting me frequently. Really appreciate your love.


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