
Mama Kucing Blogs

Saturday 27 February 2010

Nasi Briyani @ Restaurant Salma, Shah Alam

Sorry ah...mouth cannot open coz full of this Nasi Briyani. Yes, we were at Restaurant Salma located at No. 19, Jln Waruna Ar U5/ar, 40150 Shah Alam, Selangor.

Mamarazzi was hungry and didn't know what to eat as more restaurant and stalls was closing as it was already 2pm. Thought of eating Maggi Goreng but then she saw Salma still have Nasi Briyani. We ate this Nasi Briyani mana times before. taste not bad. Got the usual stuffs like raisin and gajus. Mamarazzi love the chicken. Very soft, tender and well marinated.

It comes with Papadum. My favourite.

The nasi Briyani comes with Acar. But Mamarazzi added two more types of vegetables. Looked messy hor? Actualy it wasin two separate plates but Mamarazzi ate liao baru remember have to snap photo. Thus all put into one plate loh.

As for me, I was busy stuffing my mouth with Papadum.


  1. I like nasi beryani too. And i love to eat it with my hands ^_^ It taste better.

  2. mamarazzi, your son seems to like indian food very muchie! any hope for an indian daugther in law?

  3. mNhL

    Then you are really a pro :D

  4. LG

    If he masuk Islam then can kahwin 4 loh...1 malay, 1 chinese, 1 indian...errr...lagi 1.....

  5. MODERN ROBINSON CRUSOE27 February 2010 at 18:14

    Bahagia the family - going places everywhere for makan ..Nice

  6. MRC

    Cikit cikit la...main reason is that mamarazzi cook tak sedap one leh...

  7. I used to stay in Shah Alam too.
    You know where the SRI CAHAYA school is?

    I love nasi briyani.
    Always love to cook it too.


  8. best time to eat indian or malay food during cny period.. last sunday i went for indian dinner too with my mum and kids.. 4 of us ate less than 20rm... :)

  9. oh i love nasi briyani... espcially when it is eaten with ayam masak kurma or curry chicken ngap! :p

  10. Can litle Pete follow Mamarazzi eat out too? ha ha ha!

  11. wuuuuuu....looks yummy...the bear is drooling....will go visit KL next month..and for sure..will try to ask that 'someone' to bring me there... =p =p =p

  12. I love bryani...and pappadums too! But can be quite expensive. The nasi kandar people very good at slaughtering cuctomers...

  13. Shakira

    Agak Agak know where the school la. You stayed there before ah? know how to cook nasi Briyani!? Jealousnya. I see the recipelike very complicated. Dare not attempt

  14. Claire

    Uiks? so cheap ah your side. This one is like rm5 or rm6 wor.

  15. Angel Bear

    KL indeed another food heaven second only to Penang :D

  16. STP

    It depend on shops. Some are quite OK. Some can burn a bit hole in your pocket

  17. Hhahaha...mouth cannot open, must be super tasty la the nasi "berani" :P


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