
Mama Kucing Blogs

Tuesday 16 February 2010

A Parcel?

Ciak! I have just got back from Ah Mah and Kong Kong's home, in good condition except for a few Sandfly bites. But that's another story.

Got miss me or not? Nice or not my CNY baju?

Guess what Mamarazzi found in the Mailbox this morning. Yup, a Chinese New Year Greeting Card and a pretty Colouring Book.

Can you guess by the writing who is it from? Well, guess no more. Here is the link to this lovely Mommy who had sent me such a lovely book. Click here please. Thank you very much, leng Leng Auntie


  1. small kucing is becoming a big kucing fast! soon become tiger? lol. :P

  2. Tuti

    Tiger is from the cat family also mah :p..

    ya he is growing very fast..

  3. Wahh... mozzie bites??? Yeee... must be so itchy!

  4. Adui... I see his sandfly bites also sam tung... hope the scars go away. His baju is very nice :-)


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