
Mama Kucing Blogs

Sunday 7 February 2010

Ban Huat Restoran, Kg. Sg. Buloh

This incident happen two weeks ago. After a long and tiring day, we decided to dine out along with Kaw Poh. Don't know where to eat so we simply tembak one restaurant at Kampung Sg Buloh which is behind the Chinese School and Old Folks Home. Saw many people eating here.

Papa, I very hungry jor. Don't tease me by asking me to eat the Cili Padi. I know that one cannot eat punya.

After 1 hour *uwaaaaa*sob*sob* where is my food? Very hungry liao. I don't want any more water. I don't want anymore biscuits. And no more photos, okay. No mood to smile liao nor make funny face. Sit till my bum bum also numb already lah!

Mamarazzi said BANNED liao this restaurant. Service so slow punya.

Ahhhh!! FINALLY!

Kam Heong Sotong. Delicious coz the sotong is fresh. Kaw Poh and Papa feel that there is a bit too much curry powder.

Honey Chicken. Yum yum...very sweet. Sure cooked solely with honey ka? or got add sugar? It's something different from other restaurant. The Chicken comes in big chunky pieces instead of tiny bits.

Claypot Taufu. Taste not bad. Big Pot with a lot of things in it.

Sweet Potato leaves. Don't know why.Nowadays I gila Sweet Potatoes Leaves and Thai Wong Miu.

Mamarazzi managed to snap a photo of Papa and Kaw Poh discussing the total bill for the dinner. They were amazed by the total bill. RM34 only. Very cheap.

Salah kira? Don't think so coz earlier on we bumped into Kaw Poh's neighbor who said the food in this restaurant is very cheap. Anyway, Mamarazzi was still fuming from the long wait, said even if salah kira, padan muka la. Even Domino and Pizza Hut will give free pizza if waiting time exceeded a certain amount of time.

Thus, after tasting the food and seeing the bill, Mamarazzi revised her verdict. Won't ban this restaurant yet, pending further "investigation". Maybe will come on a week day to try. Hopefully the slow service is confined to weekends only.


  1. Dearest Mamarazzi,
    I have an award for you.
    Please kindly accept it.


  2. kesian.. so late one?? surely very hungli dy..

  3. SO CHEAP??? Aiyor... Can't get that price even in Sibu! Your son's so cute.If have to wait so long, I would never go again!

  4. MODERN ROBINSON CRUSOE7 February 2010 at 11:18

    Customer = King! So your very right to your review / opinion

  5. Wah, 1 hour wait, no wonder smallkucing menangis lapar! RM34 a good price, must check it out!

  6. Hmmm, with price liddat, have to really pending the investigation lorr... aiyohhh... the ayam macam look at me and perli perli me lah. LOL...

  7. Merryn

    Ya cham leh that time.The lady say memang weekend a lot of people

  8. Shakira

    Thanks alot for the award. I am touched :D

  9. STP

    Long wait.I think goingto tryit out again on week days and see if it is as slow. Food are good

  10. MRC

    Hope the shop didnt see my review lor...else next time go might kena kejar with penyapu kakakaka

  11. Pete

    Will get the address for you the next timewego there. Hard to find without address

  12. dah le now near to dinner time, adohai, im hungry! eeeeeeeeeeek!

  13. Cleff

    This ayam no head one to look at you and perli you :p

  14. Irene

    next time you have better get ready a slice of roti before coming to this blog...kakaka... The food at this restaurant are real cheap and nice

  15. Pool him...cried for the food.

    I remembered there was once that I asked for a plain rice (drizzle with some light soya sauce) for Sarah when we faced the similar situation, hehe.

  16. Sarah's Daddy & Mommy

    Didnt realised it would take so long for the food to come. gave him biscuits but he got fed-up with the biscuit


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