
Mama Kucing Blogs

Friday 19 February 2010

How I Drown My Sorrow

The night that I found out that I had the SPOTS, I grieved. As Mamarazzi went to take bath, she put me on my High Chair with Papa. Papa was drinking something called deer or dear or is it beer? I also grabbed a can. There were a few drops left over. I pour into my mug.

After drinking this...I got mabuk.When Papa tried to get the empty can from my hand, I held on to it for my dear life. Maybe that's why they call it beer. When mabuk liao is easier to pronounce beer than dear. Then Mamarazzi scolded me. Mamarazzi very garang one oh.

Then Mamarazzi took me to the room and changed me again. I think I was "high" then. I called Mamarazzi as Papa and told her that my feets are itchy from the Sand Flies bites. She told me to go and get the cream for her to put for me. Weird...when I walk, the bed seems to have turned as "floaty" as a Water bed. I thought I took the "Cream" to Mamarazzi but she said that was not cream. That was my drink. My drinking mug.Now where was the creammmmm...itchy..


  1. MODERN ROBINSON CRUSOE19 February 2010 at 12:03

    Haiyo small small beer oledi...where's the "enforcement" & "check & balances" ?

  2. LOL... owez cabut to the room and change... next year around, I must bring many baju for ur Alien kor kor to change!

  3. what is sand flies? not mosquitos? bit joshua until so red.. my goodness.. never mind not leng jai, as long as got ang pow, sudah, right? :)
    btw, auntie here also doesnt like beer, sangat bitter la!

  4. LOL! This is so funny! Kelakar lah this mamarazzi hehe :p

  5. Ha ha ha!
    Really ah?

    My daughter got drunk once,
    she was so funny. lol

    Get sober, small kucing!


  6. kesian! Wait...wait! When chicken pox, a lot worse! And everything, you cannot eat liao! Muahahahahaha!!!!

  7. Aiyoh...smallkucing so fast grow pimples ya ^^

  8. Cleff

    ya loh...kena a bit water or stain MUST change...kakaka

  9. Claire

    Sand flies a type of insect. The bite only felt after a few hrs. Very itchy and the place bitten will be hot. Then if not taken care of, the will be pus. :(

  10. Chloe

    what to do? his hands very fast. Grabbed the near empty can of beer and drink and refused to let go after that...haiz..

  11. Shakira daughter too ah? kakaka...funny how he "talk-talk " and cannot walk straight

  12. STP

    hopefully no Chicken pox gua...since have jab jab the chicken pox injection wor....

  13. uLi

    Not pimple leh...kena insect bite :(


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