
Mama Kucing Blogs

Monday 8 February 2010

Ban Huat Restoran, Kg. Sg. Buloh (Part 2)

At this restaurant again ah? Can I take a nap first ah? Last round the food came after one hour leh. It's Sunday and even though it's already 9.30pm but still many people here leh. Sure the food will be very slow.

Uiks? Only half an hour leh. Food already here ah?

Direct translation = Ginger Spring Onion Deer Meat.RM8

I think should be delicious

Taufu with Mince Meat. I like this very much. I like to "sik taufu". RM7

We had this Kam Heong Sotong two weeks ago but since Mamarazzi liked it very much, we ordered again. Too bad today this dish have too much Cili Padi. Mamarazzi ate till fire comes out from her nose. Surprisingly cheap at RM8

Sweet Potatoes Leaves Fried with garlic, RM6

All the above dishes are for 2 person portion. 3 plates of rice. each at RM1/plate. One pot of Chinese Tea for two RM2. Total....also RM34 wor!! Cheap leh?

Here is the address. No 39 Jalan Kati U19E, Taman Medan Mas, Kg. Baru Sungai Buloh.

The lady said the shop will be closed from 12-17 February 2010 for Chinese New Year. But better give her a call first to make reservation if intend to go on a weekend as she expect very large crowd. Her handphone num is 0126707873. To address her as Ah Zhan Jie


  1. MODERN ROBINSON CRUSOE8 February 2010 at 16:56

    Now hungry as see the food - I'm on bah kut teh ..hehe...

  2. where is it actually located la... any landmark? :) near pasar?

  3. MRC...

    BKT one of my favourite too. Must pput intestine also

  4. Steph

    If you are coming from Jln Wellfare, look out for RHB Bank which is on your left (it's opposite the pasar). when u see RHB Bank, u turn left.

    Go straight u will see chinese school on your left and old folk home on your right.

    Go straight u will come to a T junction. Turn right.

    Go straight u will see aT junction again and Ban Huat is at the row of shops in front of you.

    Happy searching. If sesat can ask the people there where is 99 Speedmart. Coz Ban Huat is just next it.

  5. Wah, the food looks good and cheap some more. Must tell my huby liao....

  6. Alice

    ya cheap but if you are planning to go weekend, better early lor. If not will have a long wait. Kesian Juan Or. Not sure whether open for lunch or not. U can call the lady to enquire. Ohya..her name is Zhan Jie. I forgot to mention her name in my blog

  7. hey..the prices were reasonably cheap... i would like to try the kam heong sotong.. i love that dish...

  8. That looks great for that price!
    Poor smallkucing looks so
    Have you a great week, Kathy.

  9. The food price quite reasonable, but its too far for me :P

  10. Claire

    The next time you come KL must go and try. But the Kam Heong Sotongthey put a lot of cili padi. Rememebr to ask them to reduce if you cant take spicy

  11. Shakira

    He has been warehouse chasing whole day and refused to nap. Thus the sleepy look. But when the food was served he was very alert.kakaka

  12. uLi

    It's a bit far from your place but if you happens to come to this area then worth going to Ban Huat and try out their food loh.

  13. oh, i would love the sotong!

  14. Woiks... sweet pots leave again? These days you like to eat sweet pots leaves... why ah?

  15. Hi SK, wow! Love the dishes. You certainly know what and how to order.
    For me, I will often order hum choy pai kuat tong, foo yong tan, steamed sek pan, and what I miss is see hum, as well those chili clams.
    How you keep slim always eating these delicious food, ha ha.
    Have a nice day, Lee.

  16. passed by there last Sunday but had dinner at Restoran Yin Her (Fishing pond)

  17. Oh...i makan ere once before. No doubt the food is nice and superb CHEAP. The last time i dined there with 7 adults, only RM60 plus..almost unbeliveable ...and have to ask the boss again..Huh? Wat? RM60 plus? Hehhehe.

    But ar...during dinner time, really damn pack lor, have to stand n wait.

  18. Thank for the address and contact, will check it out!

  19. Wah! Only three persons, eat so much kah? Want to become sui-tuapui like me kah? LOL!!!

  20. cheap wor!!! but too far for me

  21. OMG... so delicious... *drool drool* You all ah, really got good nose to smell those nice food! LMAO...looks delicious lehhh

  22. Cleff

    Coz got bored with Choy Tham and Yau Mak loh.

  23. Wenn

    ya I love the sotong too. Next time i will tell them to reduce on Cili padi..kekeke

  24. Uncle Lee

    I heard they have Pigtail Peanuts soup too.

    As for staying slim, I guess it's in my genes. Like people say dipped in oil also wont be fat :p

  25. Foodbin

    Ya, heard and saw Restaurant Yin Her but didnt try out yet. Heard the crabs are super cheap

  26. 2Ma

    Ifyou all happen to come to this area and duno where to eat can try it out loh

  27. Mommy Ling

    Uiks? Cheaper then us leh. we two adults RM34..kakaka

  28. STP

    Mamarazzi dipped in oil also cant grow sideways wor .

  29. @Cikgu...Mamarazzi same like me... cannot grow sideways wan. She's my kawan ma... LOL...metabolism very high wan.


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