
Mama Kucing Blogs

Sunday 21 February 2010

My Valentine "Kiss" for Mamarazzi

Noon, on the first day of CNY I had my milk.

I was sleepy but I didn't want to sleep. Thus, I fiddle with everything and play around with Mamarazzi in the room. Then I was pretty "high"already. Suddenly I jump on Mamarazzi and give her a Valentine Day kiss on the shoulder.

Not only Mamarazzi didn't sayang sayang me but she piak-ed me and scolded me. Then Papa came in. And Papa scolded me too. I cried loh..half way crying, I fell asleep.

Later in the afternoon, Papa bring us gai-gai and Mamarazzi had an A&W treat. Can I see please, Mamarazzi. "kiss" so deep ah?

Got two "chop" there.

Sorry ah, Mamarazzi. I didn't mean to bite so hard de.

Arghh...what's that???

Papa blowing balloon.

Getting bigger...

aiyo....going to explode or not?


Eeee...enough la.....scary... new balloon to play. And here comes the food. Service here was quite slow for a "fast food" restaurant.

And fries to go with Root Beer. I wonder after drinking this "beer" I would wiwangwang again or not.

Hmm...nice fries ....

Mamarazzi's Double Deluxe Burger taste delicious.

My Ice Cream Waffle. Taste a bit weird for me as the top was ice cold while the bottom was warm.

That evening we went for a short drive thru the China Town. Most shop were closed.

The decoration and the Lion dance performance still ongoing.

Still many drive thru China Town admiring the decoration.


  1. Wah, that is one real Valentine kiss that leave a 'mark'....

  2. Oh my god, bite so hard meh????

  3. yo Joshua!!! Rod Steward sings First Cut is the deepest, You sing First Kiss is the Deepest! Geng! Poor Mama though... dont know whether got scar or not?

  4. that love bite from daddy or smallkucing? hmmm...

  5. Are you ok, Mamarazzi?
    Why did he bite you?

    Oh dear, our cats in Korea,
    also scratched hubby's ear,
    needed stitches,
    take care ok?


  6. MODERN ROBINSON CRUSOE21 February 2010 at 21:18

    Cannot help laughing at first part of story...By how old is Joshua ? Still drinking milk in bottle? :)

  7. Ouch ! The kiss must have hurt! But poor Joshua looks suitably repentant :p But then mamarazzi lagi kesian ...

  8. adoi, that is one real deep "kiss". sakit siot. eh u guys selalu go chinatown wan ah? not far from yr home meh. haha! drive further down la, come visit me. hahahaha!

  9. OMG.... why he bite you ah??? Ish, this Joshua... hope Alien dun learn from him, else I penampar til all gigi fall out!

  10. Chris

    Papa's love bite not like this one...kekeke

  11. Claire

    This is not the first time and i bet it wont be the last ...yet..

  12. MRC

    Two year old this 23rd.

    Only drink milk thru bottle. Other drink he use cup with straw.

  13. Shakira

    Am okay. He bite when he was playing and too "high" that time.He geram-geram.

  14. Irene

    *pengsan* u in k.t meh...kakaka

  15. Joanna

    Yup...was painful. Kesian his gf nixt time...haiz...

  16. Cleff

    he was playing with me and too "high" already at that time. Thought my shoulder is pillow or what sink his teeth there lo :(

  17. Wah! You did that or your Papa did...and bluff-bluff, put the blame on poor you! Hahahahahaha!!!!

  18. STP

    If Papa did wont be there loh :p

  19. lucky mamarazzi only posted this after the celebration post.. if not, you might not get the thomas train cake.. muahhaa.. next time cannot ah...

  20. Auntie Cynthia

    Chor 1 I already kena "hoi leen" by Mamarazzi and Papa loh. Bum bum pain pain lor.

    Dont take away the Thomas and Friends cake please. I love it very much leh. Even if buy from bakery also wont get sedap and beautiful cake leh.

  21. OUCH! Same here lah... when Chloe was younger, suka-suka she'll come and bite us too. Geram kot.

  22. I guess Joshua must have given Mamarazzi the 'kiss' as part of his practice to become a roaring tiger of the new year! hahaha....tiger can bite people some more one!

    Btw, the mosquito bit Joshua, izzit? Saw two red dots on his face.

  23. Gosh!! that valentine kiss is so 'hard'. I used to have that from YX when he was about that age and now baby XJ also enjoying doing this to me!

  24. Alice

    *pengsan* if he start biting people cham liao loh

    That was not mozzie bite. It was Sand Flies. I have posted a more "horrible" pic on earlier post.

  25. mNhL

    You too ah? He stopped biting me after sometime but duno why he ngap againon V-Day..kakaka


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