
Mama Kucing Blogs

Friday 5 February 2010

A Day Of Surprises

Friday morning start off with a surprise from Auntie Bibi next door. She came bearing gifts. A lovely container full ofPineapple Tarts. Mamarazzi's favourite. Just look at those delicious tarts. All bulat-bulat full of pineapple jam.

Also another container full of Chocolate Peanuts Cookies. Nice huh? She made these herself. Said she is planning to make and sell these next CNY. It's too late for this year.

Let me taste first to see if it's as good as it looked.

Nah...Mamarazzi, please throw the wrapper. Thank you.

Omgh! they are GOOD. Can see my saliva drooling or not?

Mamarazzi, one piece where got enough. I want some more.

Better take the whole container while Mamarazzi is busy adjusting the camera.

Cabut lari lu.....

Nice little nook for me to sit and enjoy these delicious Chocolate Peanuts Cookies.

No ah, Mamarazzi. I didn't eat any Chocolate Peanuts Cookies ah. The container of Chocolate Peanuts Cookies just happens to flew from the table to my lap only mah.

This afternoon pulak, I woke up and found the Courier Man at my doorstep. There were THREE parcels. I wonder what is in them?

May I ?

Uiks!? Annum?? Who is sending me Annum Milk Formula? I remembered. Mamarazzi mailed the Redemption Form to Annum some time mid-November 2009.

Gosh..that was like TWO months ago! What took them so long!? Mamarazzi had thought the Redemption Request Forms have gone missing in transit.

Well, looks like its turn out alright in the end.

Thank you Auntie Bibi for the delicious cookies and Annum for sending me my milk milk.


  1. *PENGSAN* you want to bunuh me issit, kawan? Why la, post this kind of entry when I tengah lapar? You see what you make me do... I nid to reheat my nasik and eat and sob sob!

  2. Cleff

    reheat nasi only mah...not cook nasi kekekeke..

    u pengsan later Merryn come and give u CPR baru tau :p

  3. lol!!!!!! woi!!! but at least i have nice lips and fresh minty breath lah... now now.. who want who want??? come come.... ahahhahhahaha..

  4. wow..who is auntie bibi.. i also wan to know her..hahhaa.. so nice neighbour u have... my two neighbours all quiet quiet one.. MYOB type.. hahaha...

  5. Claire

    Good hor got neighbor that can bake. Got free food :p

  6. wahseh, i wish i got neighbour like yours lah! hahahaha!

  7. Irene!!!

    happy that u finally here. Got "beranak" or not the screen?

  8. Hi SK, I just love jam tarts. Can polish off a dozen anytime.
    I sure miss them, especially the Nyonya ones.
    Can I visit you on CNY day? I bring small ang pau for the kuching, ha ha.
    Have a nice weekend, Lee.

  9. Aiyor...all habis lah? Like that don't want to drop by your house liao! LOL!!!

  10. My gal has the same pyjamas as yours. Light blue! :p

    Wow, so many goodies. But I know who is the happiest to help to finish them up :p

  11. So good you get to redeem something back from the milk company that Joshua has always been drinking. As for me, it's still a long long way to go before I can collect a certain amount for redemption (both Pediasure and Dutch Lady). Joshua can kuai-kuai eat the cookies hor, good-lah. Juan Or leh, he will purposely break the cookies into pieces and scatter them on the floor.

  12. Wow...the pineapple tarts look very delish lor...

  13. STP

    Still have still have ... :D

  14. Uncle Lee,

    If you fly back to Msia sure you are most welcome to visit us ..with or without angpau :D

  15. Rose

    Uiks? From Pureen also?

    Ya loh, this smallkucing kept asking mamarazzi to open the container for him to eat the cookies

  16. Agnes,

    Look delicious hor...sayang wanna eat..

  17. Alice

    Ngum ngum Annum was having promotion last year. Thus doesnt need that many scoops to redeem the milk.

    Joshua knows if he dont guai-guai sit and eat, he wont get any at all. :p


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