
Mama Kucing Blogs

Saturday 20 February 2010

The 1st Day of Chinese New Year 2010

The 1st Day of CNY. Woke up early.Mamarazzi help me to put on the nice CNY baju that Kaw Por bought for me last year. Nice leh.

Oppsss...Mamarazzi missed a button.

Let's go!

First stop of course to visit my Chor Chor. This is my Chor Chor new "home".

Alamak! where is my Chor Chor? They stay at which "apartment"or "condominium".

Huh..tak jumpa la. How ah?

The famous Sate. Funny how they eat sate for breakfast while in K.L we eat sate for supper or snack. This famous sate shop which used to be situated at the row of shops opposite Pasar Payang have shifted to the row of shops opposite Mydin. This is because the old shops have been bulldozed to make way for progress.

Yummy looking Sate

Eat with Nasi Himpit.

Mamarazzi said it taste very good. Not much of fat and the meat was tender and juicy. I taste okay okay aje. Guess, I have yet to learn to appreciate sate.

Chinese New Year kau check out the next post on how I gave Mamarazzi a "KISS" on Valentine Day.


  1. kathy..what is chor chor? haha.. i m also as blur as smallkucing...
    ok, i want to peep at the valentine kiss next!

  2. satay at CNY day-1 ar...never try before :P

  3. MODERN ROBINSON CRUSOE20 February 2010 at 15:48

    Joshua goes Wushu!!...looking smart & sharp

  4. Satay for breakfast IS weird :P Ok ok... looking forward to next post :)

  5. You take me go and eat sate - anytime also can! LOL!!! Wah! Kung Fu handsome in Chinese baju! Got girl fall in love or not? Hahahahaha!

  6. Having sate for 1st day Chinese New Year, that is special. I remembered my eldest nephew bought Kajang Sate at Dengkil Highway R&R area to bring back hometown in Melaka on 1st day of CNY too! Cheers..

  7. Claire... Chor Chor means great grandma...issit great grandma? I am not sure, but I called my great grandma Chor Chor when I was a little girl... when she was still alive.

    I don't know what you call great granama in Cantonese and stuff, but I was from a baba and nyonya family. Usually our great grandmothers is called Chor Chor.

  8. uLi

    And for breakfast too....kinda weird hor

  9. Claire

    Chor Chor is great Grandparent.

    Joshua says "You want a "KISS" from me? hehehe"

  10. Merryn

    At first I also feel weird. Same la at KL....some may feel weird having BKT for breakfast

  11. STP

    U love sate ah...okie next time u are in town we go for sate.

    Nice baju hor? Kaw Por buy from China last year

  12. Iriene

    Wasi it the Hj SAmuri Sate? Used to be very nice but recently duno why the taste is not there anymore

  13. Cleff

    Yup :). That one is hokkien dialect i think

  14. first day CNY is no meat. I always eat satay kajang at jejantas, near the toll.

  15. Vie

    You go vegetarian on 1st day of CNY?

    I dont pray so can eat meat ler :p


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