
Mama Kucing Blogs

Saturday 13 February 2010

Choong Fong Restaurant, Kampung Subang.

This is a belated post again. It happen about 3 weeks ago. Auntie Florence and Uncle Patrick came to visit us again. We had dinner together. Decided to try out the Choong Fong Restaurant at No8, Lorong 1D, Kampung Subang, 40000 Shah Alam.

From the outside, the restaurant looks ordinary but when went inside it was totally different case all together. Very clean and very large. It can cater for wedding and birthdays banquet.

As we were looking for ordinary meal,we order young sweet potato leaves. This one tasted very good.I kept asking for more.

Chicken cooked in Thai Style. Taste okay la nothing out of the ordinary.

hehehe...this is my favourite.Soup..soup...

Salted Vege with Taufu Soup.

Wow...this soup tasted very good. The "Squid" was very fresh.

Taufu with Angle Gourd. Taste a bit too salty for everyone. much ah?

Total bill comes up to RM66. I have not eye see loh.Ordinary dishes also so expensive. *pengsan* I guess, this is called pay for the "ambiance" gua


  1. Yalah, I agree also, RM66 is a bit too expensive for such dishes.

  2. Smallkucing is looking like a PRO!
    He is so cute ler, nowadays!

    Just want to wish you , Mamarazzi and Papparazzi,



  3. Wenn

    The soupis just nice to chase off the "heatiness"

  4. Alice

    Ifnot mistaken, the taufu cost RM10 or RM12:(

  5. Shakira

    He is cute now. unfortunately he is stepping into the TERRIBLE TWO stage soon :(. Mamarazzi going to pengsan liao

  6. This is one of the restaurant which my aunties and uncles love most. I just went there last year for my auntie's birthday celebration.

    The food is nice!

  7. Sarah's Daddy & Mommy

    Entahlah...that day we went the food was ok-ok only and based on the dishes that we ordered, I think the bill is rather expensive


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