
Mama Kucing Blogs

Saturday 6 February 2010

I Was Attacked By A Lion

Three weeks ago I went shopping with Kong Kong and Ah Mah. Saw a red Lion.

I wanted to pat it. And it came near to me.

Then out of the sudden, the Lion JUMPED on my head and wanted to EAT me up. I screamed and cried. Kong Kong rescued me.

On a brighter note, Mamarazzi saw thing Baju and had me put it on. I like it very much. Thus, Mamarazzi bought this for me.

Mamarazzi said in this photo I looked like one of those "kedekut old man" that goes "kih kih kih kih" when counting $$.


  1. second pic to last, really look like tai fook ong

  2. MODERN ROBINSON CRUSOE6 February 2010 at 13:27

    LOL..eH REALLY so lar; the last picture = "picture cakap seribu perkataan"...Joshua will be rich during CNY : ANG POW!!!!!!!! (BUT MASUK CONTRA ACCOUNT OF mamarazi's pocket :D)

  3. LOL!! Terkejut Auntie Agnes when I saw your post title... Handsome... But have to agree with mamarazzi you look a bit like the 'tong san ah pak' Keekee...

  4. MRC

    Looks a bit like Stephen Chow Sing Chi or not :p

  5. Joshua's Mummy

    Mamarazzi thinks the same too :D

  6. Auntie Agnes

    Sorry to give you a scared. Mamarazzi can be a bit "Kuah Cheong" sometimes. baju matching with Maine's or not? Can date Maine ah :p

  7. joshua looks like a miniature "boss" ...hehhe.. the last pic is very cute la!! really cute!!

  8. So did you cry out loud when got attacked by a lion? I still remember my cousin cried out loud until she hid from the lion every year the lion visited my kong kong and ah mah's house :p

  9. Claire...

    the last pics really look like Stephen Chow acting in one movie. That movie he always laugh "ek ek ek".

  10. Yor....nice and cute outfit on your kid :D

  11. He looked really cute in that outfit :-) We, too, were approached by a "lion' today. Surprisingly, C was not scared, and even took the mandarin orange that was offered through the mouth haha.

  12. TZ

    I didn't cry coz Kong Kong and papa were there.

  13. Thanks, uLi.

    Gong Xi Fatt Chai to you :)

  14. Chloe

    Like Thong Shan Ah Pek :p...kekeke but on year once, hentam lor.

    I think he wont dare to take mandarin orange from the lion mouth yet

  15. Your little Joshua boy looks so cute in his both tong san photos... love his cheeky smiles especially!

  16. Boey Joey

    Hahaha...he very "ai sui" one

  17. Oh, Joshua smiled so cutely when he pakai the CNY baju! Juan Or ah, very scared of wearing CNY baju woh....will blog about it when it's nearer to CNY, hehhehe.

  18. Alice

    Maybe Juan dont like the color? Maybe he will take if it's his favourite color

  19. I bought one was gold-based colour, then later his grandparents bought one white-based one, both also scared.

    Btw, the last photo of Joshua smiling....that smile and face really resembles your hubby! :-)

  20. the last photo is really funny!!


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