
Mama Kucing Blogs

Monday 1 February 2010

Another Failed Project - Home Made Yong Tau Foo

What's this? Fish paste? For me to eat ah?

Hmm...?? I know..I know...Mamarazzi is making Yong Tau Foo.

Lovely " bitter flower"

Brinjal in the pan

Ladies Finger. Am glad is not my fingers.

Uiks? Mushroom also can make into Yong Tau Foo ka?

Nice golden colour Yong Tau Foo. Taste? YIKES! a bit too salty. *sob*sob*sob* Mamarazzi forgot to ask the fish paste seller whether he had put salt in the paste or not. Mamarazzi didn't know that he had put salt. Mamarazzi added again.

Can eat la..must eat with rice loh. Otherwise it is just too salty. Next time must remind Mamarazzi to ask regarding salt.


  1. LOL....cook so much, never jemput me makan... huhuhuhu!

  2. Eh..ok wat... looks very nice... Makan with nasi can pass la... :)

  3. I love the mushroom yong tau foo. i didnt dare to use mushroom to add the paste into it cos i always scare my mushroom is those will turn out to be bitter when i dun soak it long enuf...

    Hmm...can smell the aroma lor..hhehhehe

  4. only the salt part fail leh.. others.. so perfectly done.. next time i go makan.. can? :D

  5. Minus the salt, i guess your yong tau fu taste nice....yummy!! I love bitter gourd and lady fingers too.

  6. Cleff

    Not nice one thus dare not jemput ler. Wait till I perfected the recipe 1st.:p

  7. Agnes

    Looks okay but the taste too salty with rice have to drink a lot of water kakaka

  8. Mommy Ling

    I think if your mushroom soak in hot water should be ok. Just sqeeze out the water before put the paste

  9. Wow! So much to prepare!!! *cold sweat LOL!!!

    Just dropping by to say hello. Thanks for dropping by my blog!

  10. Nonid to paiseh wif me, becoz if I got go makan, I will sure to bring my failed negro chicken! LOL...

  11. Looks perfect! If you didn't mention about the salt, nobody will know hehe. Nevermind, the next time u make again, it will look and taste perfect :-)

  12. Normally the fish paste seller would add salt to it because it will make the paste springy when cooked. But they look good! I love salty stuff, he he he!

  13. Ganbadeh! Next time would taste better ^^

  14. MODERN ROBINSON CRUSOE1 February 2010 at 20:42

    Try lor until it's perfect - Practice make perfect - It's your duty to papparazi & Joshua boy :P

  15. hey, i love yong tau foo.. they look so ravishing.. next time i go visit u, can cook this or not?? hehehe.. i must make this one day too.. last time i rajin ...nowadays i am real lazy...

  16. Haha too salty. That is what usually happen to my cooking. Either too salty or no taste.
    If you dont tell, it looks just perfect dish hor.

  17. STP

    Actually it's quite easy. Just stuff everything in

  18. Cleff

    Your negro cicken and my hamsap YTF :P

  19. Pete

    Ya loh...didnt think that the paste have already been added salt :(

  20. uLi

    I hope thinking of trying to make own fish paste but scared tedious work

  21. MRC

    Next time you become Mamarazzi Guinea Pig ok :p

  22. Molly

    I guess but of us needs more practice loh :p

  23. Claire, that ah...wait ah..wait till i perfected the YTF making first :p. Malu lah

  24. Looks sedap! Anyway, never mind about it being a bit too salty-loh, just learn from the experience and move on loh.

  25. Alice

    Next time will be better:)

  26. *PENGSAN* That sounded so wrong.... hamsap YTF and negroc chic!!! Ahahahahha... aiyohh.... I dunno ur as bad as me and Merryn. Kena cuci otak ni, kawan1

  27. Cleff

    It's over salty= ham. It's wet = sap. So ham + sap =?

  28. MODERN ROBINSON CRUSOE2 February 2010 at 17:04

    The last one is a "good formula"..LOL


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