
Mama Kucing Blogs

Monday 22 February 2010

Happy Birthday, Papa and Thank You Auntie Siew

Yesterday we had Steamboat lunch at Yuen Steamboat again. Auntie Siew belanja for Papa and my birthday. Thank you very much, Auntie Siew. Gt makan-makan and a big angpau.Paisehnya.

Mamarazzi got crazy liao. Took a whole plate full of her favourite Chicken "heart".In fact the "kiap" al the "heart" from the buffet tray. Thus if you were at Yuen Steamboat yesterday and found all the "heart" missing, you know who is the culprit-la.

Very hungry..getting ready to eat. Why takes so long to cook one?

Hmm....*drooling* nice looking BBQ Chicken Wings. Kor Kor Andrew so pandai. Got a plate full of chicken wings for everyone.

Best thing about going to Yuen Steamboat at lunch time is that you won't need to fight for the chicken wings. No crowd thus plenty to go around.

Am learning how to use chopstick...use one to poke the fishball.

I wonder if the chopstick can double up as a Straw. Experiment first. Poke into my "Happy Mug".

Arrrrr....a bit too long. I think I can...


*Suck*suck* No water geh?

Maybe if I do like this....

Huh...chopstick cannot double up as straw ah?

Once again, thank you Auntie Siew for the lovely lunch. Happy Birthday PAPA!


  1. Smallkucing always wear chinese costume during CNY many suits he has ar? :P

  2. So happy for you, looks like all good things are happening for you and i pray that many more blessing will come your

  3. Wah! You have so many Chinese baju... So handsome lah! Hahahahaha!!! Eeee....those chicken hearts, your mama ate so many, in the end become chicken-hearted (scaredy cat!). LOL!!!

  4. every year we have steamboat for reunion dinner.. and in order to clear off everything, we will continuously have steamboat for the few days after!! a bit scary looking at steamboat now also~~ :p

  5. Happy Birthday to Joshua's papa, Kathy's husband! Wish u good health and happiness always!

    coming back to the post, your mama really craze for those chicken's hearts? oh gosh!! they are kai tern, right?

  6. Small kucing is very cute in that gal and boy have chinese costume but i didnt let them wear this year! Too hot in those clothing....

    Happy birthday to both papa and small kucing.

  7. uLi

    Got two only.The red one bought by his Kaw Por and the orange one bought by me

  8. Thank you very much, Eugene. Lucky to have some very nice friends, new and old

  9. Only two pasang ler, STP :p

    yaloh, Mamarazzi very scaredy cat one. Scared of dark leh :(

  10. SK,

    Wah..every year also steamboat ah? of course le sien. Try BBQ next year la

  11. Claire

    Thank you. Yalor ...i crazy about the chicken heart. Cantonese called "Kai Sum".Nice to eat wor..

  12. Rose

    I wonder why they always make the CNY costume from hot material ah?

  13. Your boy was surely looked excited to eat. Hehehe

  14. i was about to ask the same thing, always kungfu baju je anak you. hehehe!

  15. Willie

    He was very hungry then coz didnt have much breakfast.

  16. I love "chicken heart" too, but your mama one big bowl, make me scare and i never try before steamboat buffet got serve chicken heart???

  17. Annie

    This Yuen Steamboat Buffet @ Sunway serves Chicken Liver & heart. I curi all the heart from the tray lor:p

  18. smallkucing so cute in the chinese attire. eh...chicken heart..yucks!

  19. Wah... inside there got jagung summore... so nice!


    a star award 4 u,
    hope that u enjoy it.

  21. Happy birthday, Papa!
    It looks so festive in your place.
    Awesome blog!

  22. Irene

    "Dai yat Ji" wear Kung Fu baju for him lo. Later when he is older he sure refused to wear jor

  23. Chris

    Aiks you dont eat chicken internal organs one ah? Nice nice wor.Like fishball :p

  24. Cleff

    next time we go eat this steamboat buffet la. got many choices. Even have red dates and lotus root to put into the soup

  25. Jingle

    Thank you very much :)

    And am honoured with the award:)

  26. Happy belated birthday to Paparazzi. Hi5! ChloeMummy and Paparazzi same birthday :-)

    *Gulp* chicken heart nice meh? I feel very geli eating internal organs...

  27. Chloe

    Uiks! Mommy also 22nd ah? wah lau eh...why so many 22nd one leh? Mamarazzi know two others friends whose birthday falls on 22nd also.

    Happy Belated Birthday to Chloe Mummy :D

  28. Wah, Mamarazzi really can eat that much of chicken heart ah? Last time when I was a child, I used to like the taste of chicken heart and love eating it, but when I became older, I find the chicken heart smell too strong to tahan, so now don't like to eat already.

  29. Alice

    Got smell meh? i tak perasan wor. Sedap to eat especially dipped in the steamboat cili sauce

  30. Kathy, I never tried chicken heart but I am sure it taste good.

    Just like some people dislike kerang. For me, I like it very much!

  31. Sarah's Daddy & Mummy

    "and to each, his own poison"...

    as for me, I can't stomach spaghetti. Guess, I wont be visiting Italy anytime soon. :p


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