
Mama Kucing Blogs

Friday 10 December 2010

Tried To Curi Christmas Tree From BookXcess

Hehehe....arrived jugak at BookXcess.

Hide behind this banner. On a mission to "curi" Christmas Tree from BookXcess. 
*Mission Impossible music playing in the background*

Wah...a lot of new books have arrived since the last time I've been here. Some have already been wrapped neatly ready to be grab by customers.

Adoi...Mamarazzi drooling at the Kylie Kwong and Treasure Of China books. 

Cannot buy ah...year end ah..have to budget ah......Come-lah, Mamarazzi. We go and curi a Christmas Tree. this book. 

Ask the Jie Jie at the Gift Wrapping Counter to wrap. Make them busy so that they won't notice us. Then we can go and curi a tree.

Then can go to the Customer Service Counter and make them busy pulak. Say wanna donate the book to Charity. Make everyone busy so that they won't observe us properly.

Hmm...this one ah...Green star geh..I like yellow twinkle stars.

This tree next to the "1st-31st December 2010 Discount Promotion Banner" is better. Already have pressie at the bottom of the tree wor. Can sapu together also wor. But not big enough la.

 I have decided. I want this one! This is the tallest, prettiest and have a lot of books under it.

Ah? too big ah...cannot fit into Papa's car ah?

Tak jadi curi lah. 

End up going to Hot Value Mart located at BookXcess old premises to buy some Christmas decoration for the tree at home.

Lucky never curi because when we were at Hot Value Mart, someone recognised me. Asked Mamarazzi whether she is Mama Kucing. 

Wah.. the Christmas Decoration at Hot Value Mart very cheap leh. The cardboard Christmas Tree with Santa only RM5-90,  a set of 9 drums RM4-50 and the 12 colorful round ball for RM2-90 only.

Although not as big and pretty the ones at BookXcess, but at least I have two. 

Big one for Papa and Mamarazzi while the small one is for me. 

I have a doggy guarding my tree so that nobody can curi it. Mamarazzi bought the doggy from BookXcess last time.


  1. Lucky boy, have 2 Christmas trees for this restive season! I'm sure Santa won't mind dropping by your house again to send you more pressies!^-^

  2. Habislah, Xmas tree botak liao!

  3. his really a cute little boy =)

  4. OMG... cat burglar... kakakaka... curi something for Auntie Cleff, can? :P

  5. Yeah...let the christmas shopping that ur tree is up!
    So cute the dog guarding the tree!!!

  6. Shenny jie jie likes your big STAR at your chrismas tree. Can borrow tak? :)

  7. Nice trees!! And the decorations so cheap! But I don't have christmas tree lar.. my place too small! LOL!

  8. Wonder when is Book Excess coming to Penang.

    hey have a great weekend ya

  9. Auntie Cleff

    kenot la....too many people recognise me. Maybe u go curi la

  10. SHenny's Mommy

    Borrow ah..after Christmas can ah?

  11. Lenglui witch

    get a small tree lor

  12. Wahh.. got 2 Christmas tree! ;D

  13. Eh-eh thought smallkucing supposed to catch mice for curi things and not to curi. Can go cuti cuti Malaysia but not curi curi Malaysia. Thou shalt not steal hahaha...

  14. waaa...u have 2 christmas tree TT envy leehhh i want one also TT

  15. Jensem

    so that can fit in more pressie LOL

  16. Bananaz

    aisay...thought can curi curi a bit some cost...petrl naik...gula naik ohhh

  17. Domokun

    go go...the Hot Value Mart also selling Christmas Tree. Very cheap

  18. Your "book mountain" from the BBW sale habis baca edi ar? So fast go BX again haha. Talk about BX, we oso went there on Sunday :p I like Hot Value Mart too... lots of cheap goods there haha.

  19. Wah, you are getting famous already! Same goes for Mamarazzi too! So far I have never bumped into other mummy bloggers when going out.

  20. hepi holiday meow meow hikhik (^_^)v

  21. wah, mamarazzi's house got christmas tree one ah?? i like decorating christmas tree lor, very fun and really feel happy as christmas is around the corner.. :)

  22. Haha, you'd better not be naughty because Santa Claus is coming to town! So, luckily you didn't steal a Christmas tree.

  23. Chloe's Mommy

    Saja go there jalan jalan and look see lor. Christmas shopping ma :p

  24. ALice Phua

    Both also at book place...PLB and BX LOL

  25. Autumn

    no steal no steal *pretend innocent face*

  26. Ahhhh so many books >< I'm craving for books hahaha...
    Wah, have Christmas tree liao? Don't have any in my home, must be fun to have one...
    Hahahaa good idea about that doggy, don't let anyone curi yours ;D

  27. Wah got 2 Christmas Tree... nicely decorated! :)


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