
Mama Kucing Blogs

Wednesday 15 December 2010

Restaurant Pan Heong, Batu Caves(3rd Visit) many biscuits and cookies. Didn't notice this on our previous trips here.

Hehehe....Fried Fu Chuk. I have better curi makan some before Papa ngap all.

This round we ordered plain Wat Tan Hor. Very big portion for two person. And a lot of "liu" too. Even got both the white and the brown sotong. least that's what Mamarazzi call them la since she don't know the proper name.

Do I have to tell you this dish is delicious? No need right?

Mamarazzi also order their famous porridge. There are two types. One is fish and one is pork ribs with dried oyster.

Although Mamarazzi ordered portion for 1 person, it came in a big bowl. More than 1 person can eat.

Mamarazzi should have ordered the Fish one coz the Pork Ribs one was not that good. There are a lot of pork ribs in it but the ribs have "sou" smell. The dried oyster was not soaked long enough hence it's still hard when bite into.

Notwithstanding that, the porridge itself was tasty. 

If you are in this area and feels that the Fresh Prawns Noodles is too expensive, then do try their plain ones. In fact, we loved their plain noodle more than the Fresh Prawns Noodles.

Here is the address :
No 2, Jalan Medan Batu Caves 2,
Medan Batu Caves.
tel : 03-61877430.
Opens from 8a.m. to 3.30p.m


  1. porridge is nice =D it looks so yuummy

  2. oh i like Pan Heong, have been there few times already.. we ordered fish porridge with century egg, kao yoke beehoon, wat dan hor.. and their nam yu fried pork and mamak mee also nice.. wah, so many good things to eat, must go there in a group only can taste more food~~ :p

  3. OMG that porridge looks so sedap laaaa!!! I nak juga!!!

    PS I was popping in to say hello before I go away on holidays. You celebrate Christmas ke tak? If you celebrate, have a WONDERFUL Christmas ok? If not, then happy holidays lah, hehe. Happy New Year - catch up with you again in the new year 2011.. woohoooo!!! xo Kim. Kirim salam to your anak, kiut!! :)

  4. wow...i missed the food there!!! all nice nice one.. normally i ordered the claypot porridge with fish and century egg...

  5. food glorious food... :D haahhah..

  6. Even the name sound like good biscusts. The food looks yummy and I am hungry already. All my favourites here!

  7. I always love Wantan Hor.... ohh, I can't take Pork with 'Sou' smell too, kinda disgusting...(puke)=_=

  8. Wah, boy, Mamarazzi bring u everywhere to eat. Now kinda fussy already!Tat porridge looks good to me!

  9. I love fu chuk too! And the wat tan hor looks good!!

  10. I think the white and brown sotong is called squid?

  11. Pan Heong food is nice....i like it.

  12. Mars Mell-o

    Just too bad it's non-halal.

  13. SK

    ya next time we have to order the fish porridge coz the pork one was not that good.

    Have tasted their Nam Yui Fried pork yummmm

  14. Kimberly

    Merry Christmas and happy holiday to you! We celebrate every festival in Msia. :D

  15. Claire

    Next time have to order the fish one coz pork one not that good though portion generous

  16. Autumn

    They also selling all sorts of cookies and biscuits. You go there and see la

  17. Alice Law

    this wat tan hor murah lo. *hope the taukeh dont see this post and naik harga*

  18. Angeline

    LOL....coz the pork memang have :Sou" smell mah :P

  19. Lenglui Witch

    Yum yum fu chuk. 1 is not enough

  20. Kelvin

    Ya ka...then the brown one is? Entah la...very confused. As long as sedap ...wallop lo hehehee

  21. yum! my feveret food! hehehee. when small kucing want bring this auntie to eat?

  22. the fresh prawns noodle overpriced!

  23. mamarazzi,

    The white sotong is called sotong.
    The brown one.. we call it 'diu pin' in cantonese..
    (diu yu [fishing]'s diu, niu pin [nappy]'s pin)...

    hahaha..paiseh ya..hope u get what i mean

  24. Gold Flower

    wait and see if auntie going to belanja ice cream or not

  25. Pete

    Yup ate the Fresh Prawn noodle once. The prawn were not that sweet.

    That's why now we order the normal wat tan hor. It got a lot of ingredient. and cheap some more.

  26. Happyiyi

    the yellow one diu pin not for cooking soup one meh? The yellow one kembang quite thick wor..

  27. best wat dan hor that I ever had!!! But always long q so hardly go there :(

  28. Mamarazzi

    I think for soup, its the dried version of sotong.. 'yau yu'

    The 'diu pin' in the wa tan hor is those sold in markets/supermarkets , soaked in water

  29. Choi Yen

    Long q meh? we went there no q wor. easy to get table. But then the time we went was around 11am la

  30. Happyiyi

    alamak...looks like Mamarazzi terbalik.

    She always assume the soak brown one is Yau Yui coz in hawker stall they allways call it as "Yau Yui Ung Choi"(sotong kangkung)

  31. Baby Sumo

    Ya...overall good except of this pork ribs porridge not suit us much


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