
Mama Kucing Blogs

Tuesday 21 December 2010

Asia Cafe, Kota Damansara Again

Once again we were a Asia Cafe Kota Damansara.

Papa wanted to have their Fried Chicken Salad Rice again. But this round the Kor Kor said the Salad Chicken Rice finished already and suggested Black Pepper Fried Chicken Rice or Lemon Fried Chicken Rice.

Papa had the Lemon Fried Chicken Rice. Taste good.

Mamarazzi had the watermelon juice. A bit too sweet. She forgot to ask them not to put too much sugar syrup.

Of course Mamarazzi ordered the steamed soup again. Top was ABC soup and bottom was Black Chicken Herbal soup.

The ABC soup was not that good but the Black Chicken Herbal soup was delicious.

After walloped a bowl of rice, Mamarazzi was still hungry. Ordered Cantonese Fried Noodle. Alamak!!! portion for two person so big one??? 3 or 4 person also can eat lo.

Taste? so-so only.

Papa gila Fried oyster. Mamarazzi went and order the Fried Oyster first before she order other food but terbalik the Fried Oyster is the last to arrive.

When she went to check the fried oyster, she saw the man and the lady frying. Omigosh! it takes two person to fry? Aiyo...they waited for bulk order baru wanna fry ah?

Taste not to our expectation but then again each person taste is different. Maybe you will love this Fried oyster

After the unsatisfying Fried Oyster, Papa wanted to try the Hong Kong Chee Cheong Fun. Taste not bad.

Overall...the steam soup is still the best.

Came home, Mamarazzi vomitted. Haiz..had Mamarazzi eaten something bad or due to over eating?


  1. yuck hate that food taste weird. hhuhuhu
    luckily some food is good. :)

  2. Mama vomitted? You're going to have a a baby brother or sister? Hehehehehe!!!!

  3. Have been wanting to go to try out.. especially the steamed soup that you mentioned several times in your blog. :)

  4. Ohhh, I love brewed herbal soup! Hope your mama feeling better now! Keep well and take care!

  5. I think u better not go there again.. only the herbal chicken is good.. :) vomited some more.. hope you are better now, madam..

  6. Drolling whenever I visit your blog :) I think I will like the lemon chicken rice too :)

  7. Mamarazzi can eat a horse? After a bowl of rice still hungry? It is good to be able to wallop, people say "eat is fook" *good fortune*.

  8. Gold flower

    There are many stalls there . So some will be good and some wont be up to expectation lo

  9. Alice Law

    The herba soup was really tasty

  10. Claire

    some of the food there good and some not up to expectation lor. Will go there again ah since havent tried all the food there yet

  11. Mommy ANgel

    The Kor Kor very nice wor. He suggested Black Pepper Chicken rice and lemon Chicken rice. Then Mamarazzi said kid eat punya and he sugessted the Lemon one

  12. the fried chicken salad rice looks nice. :)

  13. time taste bad please dont eat.

    I saw the Asia Cafe...must go there and drink the soup. :)

  14. Wow you're a Asia Cafe FANS.. hehe.. I m glad that the soup quality still maintains! Can't forget how good it is!

  15. Why vomitted? The oysters not clean ah? Hope you are ok now.

  16. wah, u guys always order so much food !!! Salute!

  17. Bananaz

    Mamarazzi can eat a lot one. Kecil kecil cili padi

  18. Lenglui witch

    coz nearby mah..and sometimes cant think of what to eat. That Asia Cafe have almost everything lor

  19. Choi Yen

    coz mamarazzi la...always kebuluran punya

  20. You sure love the soup here a lot ...

  21. Wah mamarazzi really can eat a lot one ah.... after eating rice, still got room for noodle. Salute!

  22. Chee Yee

    That day at Cincai you also saw how much Mamarazzi can wallop mah :D


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