
Mama Kucing Blogs

Friday 24 December 2010

Fish Porridge at Restaurant Pan Heong with Ah Mah

Went to Pan Heong again the other day. This round with Ah Mah and Kaw Por. The first thing I saw was "Kay Meh Mers Tree"(Christmas Tree). Very beautifully decorated.

See this! So many pressie. warning leh "Please do not take away the decoration on or near the Christmas Tree.

Ice..Ice baby...where are you....Uiks...very fast service wor. 
Fish porridge. Big portion and a lot of fish slices in it with century eggs. RM17 portion for 4 person. Don't know how they kira one. RM17 divided by 4 is....???

They have Yau Char also. A plate for RM1. longer crunchy geh...But nevermind lah since put into the porridge will also become soft also.

We also ordered Wat Tan Hor and the Fried Fu Chuk Roll but Mamarazzi not going to post again as she have posted about these before, here, here and here.

Overall, it has been a satisfying meal.

Meantime, may you have a Blessed Christmas Eve.


  1. LOL...kasi discount Rm1 kot? Mebbe supposed to charge you Rm18?

  2. Fish porridge is yummy! Merry Xmas!

  3. suddenly i think i will have fish porridge tomorrow. lol
    u like pan heong a lot. heheheh

  4. When we went, they charge us RM7.30 for 1 person portion - maybe they go by weight of fish kua.

  5. I love porridge...but never tried fish, except my own homecooked tuna porridge.

  6. Uh uh dont ever try to 'steal' the Kay Meh Mers Tree!!! haha. Nice shirt you are wearing. Izzit one T shirt alone or wearing two, one long and the other short sleeve. Guess bozz like odd figure RM17 hehe.

  7. Wah...worth giving it a try leh, the porridge so cheap with lots of condiments!

    Have a joyful Christmas Eve!

  8. SmallKucing: merry christmas and happy new year.

  9. LOL. Kay Meh Mers Tree.. :P

    Merry Christmas Eve!! :D

  10. Meow, meow, meow all the way, now this is the time the cats will be hunting for more food joints to share with us lioa,,,,,,

    and I am here to wishing the meow meow and the meow family a Happy, Joyful and Blessed Christmas hohohohoho..

    take care now ya

  11. Fish porridge is better, kan? my sons and I were talking about Pan Heong actually ..wondering when to go again..

  12. wah there also have Christmas Tree ar?

  13. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your family!

  14. porridge to go with yau char kuey..sedap ka?

  15. Joshua: merry christmas to you and ur family ya.

  16. the way the kira the porridge is not direct multiplication, because the more you order the per pax cost will be lower, so cannot just divide like that.. :p

  17. small kuching looks very cute in that shirt (:

  18. Fish porridge is good for you. Small Kuching, do you remember the saying that fish is good for the eyes because fish don't wear spectacles, haha. Wishin Small Kucing, Mama and Papa and everyone else in your family Merry Christmas!

  19. Wenn

    Yes, this Fish porridge nicer than the pork one :D

  20. Gold Flower

    Did you have fish porridge?

  21. baby Sumo

    oh yah hor..maybe go by the weight and market price. Didnt think of that

  22. STP

    Tuna Porridge? hmmm...never had tuna porridge before

  23. Bananaz

    It's one shirt. Auntie Wendy bought for me punya :D

  24. Jemsen

    Same to you :D

    Happy New Year

  25. Eugene

    Thank you :D

    Next round go Penang cari u :D

  26. Claire

    Ya porridge better . The pork one got "sou" smell

  27. Choi Yen

    Ya wor..also got Christmas Tree wor

  28. Mommy Angel

    Happy New Year to you and your family too

  29. Angeline

    Thank you and same to you :D

  30. SK

    Maybe it's like what Baby sumo say...follow market price or what

  31. Autumn

    Ha? like that also can ah...but Goldfish eye pop out one wor...hope my eyes wont pop out la


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