
Mama Kucing Blogs

Friday 31 December 2010

Kota Damansara Neighborhood FoodCourt

Lembik already. Hungry ah. Once again don't know what to eat. Then, Papa recall there is a new food court in town. Not really new la but kira new to us la. Kota Damansara Neighborhood FoodCourt.

The first round we went, Papa had the Hong Kong Chee Cheong Fun. Taste not bad but Mamarazzi would love the thinner skin type

Mamarazzi had the Prawn Noodle. Portion quite big and soup base not bad also.
 Papa was not feeling that well the first round, so he had Mix Pork Poridge

 Mamarazzi knew that I love noodle so she prdered Wan Tan Mee for me. She ordered the flat Wan Tan Noodle but don't know why it come mixed with the thin noodle pulak

On our second round at the Food Court, Papa had Lemon Tea while Mamarazzi had Kedongdong juice

Mamarazzi order Salted Fish with Pork steam rice for me while Papa had the Pork with Yam Steam rice.

 Mamarazzi had Nasi Lemak. Tasty but rather expensive at RM6.

Perut kenyang hati senang liao loh.


  1. that chee cheong fun looks great!

  2. food look good! Now i am hungry by looking at it. Not yet have my breakfast. :(

    Here wish kucing family, small kucing, mama kucing and papa kucing a very Happy New Year!!!

  3. wow, two rounds at the same foodcourt in the same day?? the food must be very nice then..

  4. IN time to come, most food courts or dining area will be experienced by you, Joshua!! Happy eating!

  5. Not a fan of wantan mee...but it looks nice. The rest...ummm, no thanks.

  6. i like prawn noodle and chee cheong fun!!! =D

  7. Seriously, the prawn noodle looks delicious! :-)

    Is it the one we called it Hokkien Mee here?

    If yes, it's my favorite!

  8. Aiyoh, the chee cheong fun is too thick skinned, haha. The prawns look like cut into half already. I like kedodong juice too. So funny, the wan tan mee look like ying yang (big and small) noodle. Maybe the seller ran out of stock or forgot what you ordered and so use half-half ;>) Thank you very much to Mamarazzi for writing this wonderful blog and wishing you and family a Happy New Year 2011!

  9. Wenn

    Dont know taste good or not coz Papa ate it

  10. Annie early come to this blog fast go breakfast. Happy New Year to you and your family :D

  11. Annie early come to this blog fast go breakfast. Happy New Year to you and your family :D

  12. SK

    Not same day la..different day. Mamarazzi just hentam both round punya food in the same post

  13. Claire

    LOL...cant get enough of the Stadium food yet. Wanna try the prawn noodles and etc

  14. STP

    Tarak Otak Otak here wor...maybe if got Otak-otak it will tempt you

  15. Mars mell-o

    Not bad la the prawn noodles

  16. Faisal

    Yes, it's the one that is called Hokkien Mee in Penang. Mamarazzi always confused when ordering this in Penang

  17. Autumn

    Mamarazzi prefered the thinner skin type lor but hard to find la. Even Dim Sum shop also hard to find thin one

    Funny about the Wan Tan Mee lo.

    Happy New Year to you and your family too :D


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