
Mama Kucing Blogs

Sunday 19 December 2010

Project Petaling Street

Huh? Project Petaling Street? What is that? China Town ka? Not China Town ah?

Project Petaling Street(PPS) is nothing new.It have been around for quite sometime. Then the site was down for sometime.

Mamarazzi received an e-mail from them informing her that the website is up and running again. Looks like they have re-vamp their website and system.

PPS is a place to "ping" your post and to read post from other bloggers. Something similar to Nuffnang Innit. Am not really sure which one was born first, PPS or Innit, but PPS was really popular. Used to a hubs for bloggers to "ping" their post there and blog readers to get their daily fix from there.

Do check out their website at

For your information, Mamarazzi did not received any $$ nor any stuffs from PPS for writing this. She saja wanna share a good things among friends.


  1. thanks for information, i go register now.. :)

  2. really have not heard about this before.. i thought mamarazzi again go sapu makan in Petaling Street, haha~~ :D

  3. Small Kucing, you look quite confused. Is the weather out there too hot? Mamarazzi is so kind to share new finds with us. First time I heard of PPS and Innit :(

  4. That was looooooong ago - I think people like Huai Bin ( and alexallied were involved way back then...when they were much younger.

  5. Thank you for sharing, smallkucing...yalorr, good things must share... dun be like some ppl good things, cepat cepat hide, tak mau kasi orang tau, just have benefit to themselves... that one is not call kawan liao leh.

    ps: Wait til after Xmas we go makan makan again? Auntie belanja la... we go YH or wud... just get book royalty. Kakakaka!

  6. SK la...when Mamarazzi heard about this PPS long time ago, she thought it's government project renovating Petaling Street leh. After go look see look see baru tau it's a webiste to read more blogs and ping blogs

  7. Autumn

    Oo..the Innit was share by Mommy Ling. Mamarazzi also didn't know about that till recently.

  8. STP

    Mamarazzi had no idea of that. Baru heard about this PPS last year. Then recently the website was down. Now up balik become very nice already.

  9. Auntie Cleff

    Waiting *holding fork and spoon*

  10. Thank you for your support for PPS, I deeply appreciate it. FYI, PPS as a site is older than Innit Nuffnang but the current system we have put in place is new.

  11. MENJ

    You are welcome. Mamarazzi only got to know about PPS last year. Ketinggalan zaman already LOL.

  12. yea ler..that time i have been having problem login in...anyway, seldom ping there edy...

  13. I have no idea how it works. Can make money through blogging kah?

  14. Checked it liao, is it for Malaysian only ah?

  15. Mummy Gwen

    This one not directly making money but rather it drives traffic to your blog. More traffic so more chnce ppl click at your advertisement of maybe go see your boutique.

  16. Mommy Ling

    Hahaha...must be the time when the system down and they revamp the whole thing la


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