
Mama Kucing Blogs

Wednesday 8 December 2010

Restaurant Foon Lock @Kampung Bukit Tinggi

Tiring journey. Nearly arrive home. Stopped at Kampung Bukit Tinggi for dinner coz Mamarazzi's tum tum playing drum so loud till it drown out the radio.

We decided to have dinner at this Restaurant Foon Lock. Saw many blogs that say this place offer good food at a reasonable price.

 Wa...they also sell so many home made goodies. I was really tempted by the keropok buy Mamarazzi said we have a car load of keropok already. No need to buy more.

We ordered fried rice for 3 person. The portion was rather small. Looks like more for 2 person eat than of 3. Nothing to shout about.

Then the lady recommend Ginger Kampung Chicken. Said they sendiri raise one the chicken. Tasty.

Deer meat with spring onion. Portion small. Taste Ok-ok.
We ordered taufu and then Mamarazzi wanted soup also. The lady told her that the Taufu already have soup. Can just add the "Water Crest" into it.  There were 6 pieces of "yong taufu pok". The vegey was quite young but the Taufu pok were just ordinary.

Portion of food were rather small. Total bill were RM57. Not that cheap considering the food tasted ordinary only.


  1. yeah, the food looks like so-so only also hor?? anyway, never try never know mah right?? :)

  2. Yalor...the food looks biasa only. Quite typical of small towns, I think...but usually at such places, portions huge and very cheap.

  3. The food looked ok only.. quite expensive considering the location and taste?

  4. long time didnt have deer meat :(

  5. SK

    Ya ...saw many people say that place nice

  6. STP

    Ya biasa only.

    The funny thing is the lady kept saying vege own garden one, ayam own one...everything also own. Terror. Can do so many things

    Portion not that big

  7. Lenglui witch

    Ya quite expensive considering the taste normal only. Maybe it's cater for tourist. Those coming back from east coast

  8. The deer meat looks hard to chew~

  9. Choi Yen

    LOL...used to be very popular but now seldom see people order

  10. hehe yeah... two movies at the same day.. =D weird huh.. but its fun..

  11. I think I have been to this place. Waited quite long for the food!

  12. I don't know why, but I really like and tempted of that kind of fried rice (the light colored one) lol
    I don't really like chinese foods like that but exception for fried rice, was it good?

  13. Angie

    Taste okaie okie only the fried rice

  14. Ginger kampung chicken?! Yummy!!! The pricing sounds expensive for hawker food though!

  15. i think i did drop by this place once for dinner, after our Bukit Tinggi trip. That is few years back, the food that time still not bad, maybe now the standard drop. I remember we order that chicken dish also.

  16. Annie

    The Chicken dish was okay. The rest so so only


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