
Mama Kucing Blogs

Monday 20 December 2010

Restaurant Victoria Station, USJ

Had a nice dinner in a choo choo train compartment at Restaurant Victoria Station at USJ last month to celebrate Papa and Mamarazzi's anniversary.

Very sour and refreshing Lime juice for me and Ice Lemon Tea for Mamarazzi this is how you butter the bread ya?

What if I just put the butter on top and eat like that? Hmmmm.....nope....quite yucky if eat like that.

Papa's Salad.

Papa also ordered tuna something something salad. Hmmm...taste kinda weird for me. But Papa syok syok makan

Mamarazzi's Chicken soup. Nice. I love soup soup. The vegetable was not over cooked.

Mamarazzi's plate of half half. It got a long name but I forgot what it's called. It got a piece of Salmon Steak and a piece of beef steak

Mamarazzi didn't like the Salmon coz too much bone but the beef was great!

Papa plate of steak. And of course I curi-ed his cob of corn to eat first. Yummy.

The meal was very filling but Papa wanted to have dessert. Banana Split.

And of course I sapu-ed most of this bowl of delicious Ice cream .

Service at this outlet were friendly and fast. Food were also good.


  1. Victoria...of course, must eat the beef steak lah...and the Ship and Tony Roma and TGIF - all the places that I've always wanted to go but haven't... SIGHHHH!!!!

  2. STP

    haiz...what to cannot stay here long leh. Wanna courier to you also kenot

  3. The food memang looks good.. pity stp.. always hit and run only! :)

  4. happy anniversary big meow and daddy meow! all the best.

  5. I love the food at Victoria Station especially their sirloin steak! Yummy.. It has been years since we last visited though.. Must pay a visit one of these days.. :)

  6. The foods look niceee! I don't like salmon too >< Smallkucing likes Lime Juice ah? Just like me then, love Lemon and lime 8)

  7. That's a very nice restaurant! I like to dine out during special occasion too coz lazy to clean up after dinner. Also can go shopping after the nice meal too :) :) And your little boy looks so cute :)

  8. Wow...great celebration...Happy Anniversary though it is a month late :p and many more to come. Great feast !

    Merry Xmas to you, hubby and Joshua....hope to meet up with you all on the 26th December together with Claire. Hope you are not rushing back to KL too early.


  9. Presentation of the steak + beef look not appetizing :P

  10. This year i also celebrated my anniversary there. Love the foods there and the environment. However i couldn't finish the whole steak too large for me.

  11. Happy Anniversary To Mamarazzi and Paparazzi! :) The food looks great. Apa ni makan butter like that..haha.

  12. Alamak... lembu.... sedaaaaappp... seii lorr... auntie lembu gila mode liao. LOL!

  13. Happy belated wedding anniversary to your parents! LOL, your papa must really loves salad, it's my girl Juan Juan's favourite too!

  14. Arghhhhh, i wanna eat the steak!!!

  15. Wah celebrating anniversary so good... me don't get to celebrate. Sob sob. :( (Must complain to hb next year. Hahaha!)

    Anyway, Happy Anniversary to Papa and Mamarazzi!

  16. Whoa my favorite..split! Noticed small kucing hair style has been like this for quite some time no chance of changing style?hehe. Happy 'sawing' the ngau par (beef steak)..haha

  17. oh, it was paparazzi and mamarazzi wedding anniversary?? congratulations!!!

    wow, victoria station leh, i've only been there once so far.. their steak is really nice lor.. small kucing never eat?? only eat the corn ah??

  18. aww happy anniversary! ehehehe.the food look good

  19. Inspired Mom1x

    good food and service is good too

  20. Angie

    Anything that is sweet and sour.

  21. Mommy Angel

    Memang...after shopping tired alredy. Dont really feel like cooking. Tapau or eat out enough

  22. Elin

    Merry Christams to you too. Think going back around 4pm or 5pm liao that la. Coz difficult to drive night time

  23. Choi Yen

    Mamarazzi havent found the correct setting for snapping photos in dim light lor

  24. Wai Kitt

    hahahaha...portion quite big too

  25. Mummy Gwen

    Thanks. I wanna experiement mah...The butter looks like ice cream wor. some more cold cold leh...i thought can make into Ice cream roti leh

  26. Auntie Cleff

    You have "Mad Cow" disease ah LOL

  27. Alice Law

    Actually hor....didn't notice the main course comes with salad :p

  28. Chee Yee

    hahaha...cham hope your hubi tarak read this post else Mamarazzi become batu Api pulak

  29. Bananaz

    Mamarazzi said have to wait till am not naughty then baru will cut my tail lor. Ah Mah said cannot pull ear. So pull tail lor

  30. I didn't know there's a Victoria Station in USJ. Anyway the food looks good as usual. Happy belated anniversary to Mamarazzi and Paparazzi! Many, many more anniversaries to come ya :)


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