
Mama Kucing Blogs

Monday 27 December 2010

Ah Cheng Laksa at Giant Shah Alam Again

Was at Ah Cheng Laksa again. Hmmm...what to eat ah? So many choices.

Okie...Iced Coffee for Papa and refreshing Lemon Juice for Mamarazzi and me.

This round Mamarazzi had Curry Laksa. She said taste good. But Papa doesn't like the taste. 

As for me, I had noodle soup.

Wah lau big bowl. How to finish ah? Anyone wanna help me?


  1. Congrates on moving to a new house! The laksa looks good leh

  2. that laksa do look good!!
    small kucing, lemme help you eat. hahahah

  3. wah, all the way to shah alam for laksa?? hmmm, but then the fishball soup noodles looks very bland to me leh..

  4. Hah!!! Pappa Kcing out of town, no one to help you finish, is it? Lucky thing Ah Cheng not selling bread - then becomes "Ah Cheng Bay Loti" (Unchained Melody). Muahahahaha!!!!

  5. Sorry, Auntie Claire wants to go on diet liow!!

  6. STP you're fast and furious was thinking to comment about 'Ah Cheng bay roti' and you're few hours ahead haha. Anyway good to know that great man thinks alike *ahem*. Small kucing sorry not a fan of noodle soup can email the laksa to me if only Mamarazzi can't finish hers. tQ

  7. pic last tu sungguh kiut...ehehe

  8. ROFLOL at Cikgu's comment. *pengsan* So funny!

    Btw, smallkucing, the bowl portion really big kah? Or just illusion?

  9. hahahaha... the last picture really is so cute!!

  10. The curry laksa looked quite creamy and nice wor, not tasty meh?!!(scratch head)

  11. Next time I am around the area, can check it out!

  12. Yeah lah, the laksa looks ada oomph mah. Your noodle soup look like plain water only, no wonder Small Kucing frowning.

  13. Mummy Moon

    Thanks :D

    Mamarazzi said the Laksa not bad wor but Papa didnt like the taste. So it's up to individual taste lo

  14. SK

    Staying nearby there mah..kira not far la

    Anyway the soup is "cheng thong"(clear soup) noodle lo. I cant take chilli

  15. STP must be in YouTube too long already

  16. Auntie Claire

    No need diet la...later you diet , big wind blow you go up th tree leh

  17. Bananaz

    Haiz...u and STP must have been hooked on YouTube too long :p

  18. Cleffairy

    Memang big leh...if you eat then you will bising say "too full ah..kenot eat ah...." LOL

  19. Wenn

    Guess most people would love laksa :D

  20. Mommy ANgel

    Hmm...lucky shot I lazy to get my photo taken leh

  21. Alice Law

    Up to individual taste la..coz got the rempah

  22. Mommy Ling

    fast fast close your are not allowed to eat..can eat the clear soup only!

  23. Autumn

    memang ada umph...1 small bowl not enough so Mamarazzi ordered a bigger bowl but then she cant finish pulak..greedy!


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