
Mama Kucing Blogs

Monday 6 December 2010

Restoran Ah Seong, Jalan Jakar, Kemaman

As I have said in last week post, Auntie Woo belanja us makan lunch. She brought us to this restaurant where we meet up with Uncle Wan and Kor Kor Jon. It was raining. Mamarazzi didn't notice the street name.

It should be at Jalan Jakar since it's same row as Thong Aik Omnibus Co S/B and that company is at Jalan Jakar

 Claypot Taufu. Just nice for me. Did Uncle Wan ask them to put extra gravy? Sedap to put onto rice and eat.

Aiyo...Belacan Kangkung. Mamarazzi really muka tebal. Walloped nearly whole plate. Licin. Can use as mirror.

This is the first time we had this. Deep fried Yau Char Guai with Mayonise. Very very crunchy and yummy. Next round have to go back to this shop for this.

Fried Chicken in Lemon Sauce. Not bad. But makan so many dish really makes me sleepy lor. Some more it was raining leh. *snore*

Thank you very much Uncle Wan, Auntie Woo, Kor Kor Jon and Baby Isaac for this lovely meal.


  1. Waaaaa... claypot taufu and kangkung belacan... auntie wan go YH eat again!

  2. haha, yalor, i was going to say how come the claypot taufu so watery one?? i thot it's taufu broth~~ :p

  3. Aiyo.. sedap nyer. I want to eat Belacan Kangkung.. so lama already I tak makan!!

  4. Again...the food does not turn me on. Nothing that would make me wanna go to Trengganu.

  5. hey.. Joshua macam looks like big boy liow.. in no time .. taller than mama...

  6. Eh, Smallkucing... this restaurant is halal restaurant kah? Why the signboard got jawi punya tulisan?

  7. WAHH deep fried yau char kwai!! My favourite!! YUMMY!

  8. The gravy for the claypot tofu full to the brim liao!

  9. SK

    No la...more gravy for the kids mah

  10. Kimberly

    Can tanam the kangkung sendiri leh. My Kaw Kaw in NZ also tanam in her garden.

  11. Claire

    Now already more than 100cm jor....

  12. Cleff

    Dono...dunt think halal gua...saja got jawi there coz other race also can read jawi ma...

  13. Lenglui with

    these are to die for

  14. Choi Yen

    Ngum lo...suits me well :D

  15. The gravy is just nice to put on fried noodles too~

  16. Eii...yau char kuew with mayo.i think i tried somewhere before. It's a good combination

  17. Mommy Ling

    Where where??? sedap wor this one


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