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Sunday 19 December 2010

Bedtime Stories And Prayers - The First Christmas

According to Enid Blyton Bedtime Stories & Prayer book, the 1st Christmas was nearly two thousand years ago.

That was when two people, Joseph and the very pregnant Mary went up the hill of Bethlehem,

They journey far and Mary was very tired.

When they finally come to an inn, they heard merry voices in the inn.

Joseph enquired from the inn keeper about a room for them to rest but the inn keeper informed them that there are no rooms available and the town is quite full.

Joseph told the inn keeper that they have journey far and Mary was very tired. The inn keeper shone the light at Mary and saw her pale face. The inn keeper was a kindly man and took pity on them.

He told Joseph that if he does not mind, there is a cave behind the in where he stable his oxen. He could have it swept and put in some clean straws for them to lie down.

Mary agree to that as she was real tired and can go no further. Joseph was anxious about her and tired to make her as comfortable as possible.

And in that little cave that night, the King of all the world was born. He reign in the heart of many men.

Mary looked down at the baby in her arms and said "The Son of God is here. But I have no cradle to put him in. Where shall he lie?"

Joseph looked around and saw a manger. He put some soft hay there and the manger becomes Little Jesus cradle.

That was the first Christmas. The night that Little Jesus was born. A day of happiness and joy.

Just a few more days to Christmas. Jesus had so little when he was born and we had so much nowadays. Shopping complexes full of people happy and gay. Let's not forget those who have less than us. Make their Christmas day a joyful day too.


  1. Good saying, it's time to giveaway in this festive season!^-^

    Happy holiday!

  2. "Shopping complexes full of people happy and gay." Got kah? You can tell one kah? Muahahahahaha!!!!

  3. STP

    Got go shopping for me or not?

  4. That's Curve right?? :)

    btw, I'm gonna make another video..themed Christmas :)gonna post the Teaser Poster soon.. ;D

  5. Jemsen

    Yup it's the Curve.

    Looking forward to your movie

  6. I think i've seen that background before =D at the curve right?


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