
Mama Kucing Blogs

Thursday 28 April 2011

An Undetermine Location In Klang

Errrr...don't laugh. We were actually looking for Jalan Goh Hock Huat in Klang. Papa had something to do there.

Pusing punya pusing, sesat already although have GPS. Haiz...Map not updated. A lot of street is one way street.

That is how we end up at a Food Court. Mamarazzi forgot to take note of the road name. Now she scratching her head. She thought it's Jalan Gelugor coz the Food Court is behind a corner lot Maybank and opposite of a Lao something something Bak Kut Teh.

Anyway, I was very hungry. I wanted to have noodle. Mamarazzi saw this stall selling home made noodle.

 Quite cheap. The noodle was RM2 and the Yong Tau Foo price is around 60sens a piece.

Taste not bad. The noodle quite springy.

 A glass of Cincau and a glass of Iced Chinese Tea, RM1-70.

 Alamak...the Fried Noodle Stall just open wor....hmmmm....CKT CKT...shall I?

Hehehe...Mamarazzi can't stand the temptation and ordered a plate of Char Keoy Teow. Don't want Cili, don't want egg, RM3-50. Got quite a lot of big big "see Hum" (Cockles)

Price quite cheap here.


  1. oh?? mamarazzi likes CKT without egg?? nice one ah like that?? ok, let me try this tomorrow, haha.. BTW compare this with the one in Brickfields, mana lebih sedap??

  2. those days i used to take not anymore.

  3. eh eh, should update the gps with malfreemaps online, so wont get lost next time :)

  4. Food so cheap...and looks nice. That ckt, you said...looks like noodles leh? Never mind! Also looks nice. Yum!!!

    P.S. See! Somebody must go and tell the GPS-crazy fella in my blog that GPS is not always reliable - may cause more headaches and heartaches...

  5. Cho san mamarazzi, Hehe ngo oi sik "he mee" haha kei si mamarazzi ho ye post entry about it,igo ngo em hou ye sik "ha mee" in real. tai yin siong dou mo siong kon ge.. oooo =D

    my chinese is tungaang langang long time no speak kantonese haha now want to learn back from mamarazzi.. can ar? =D

  6. Haihh... this must be berjangkit penyakit Auntie Little Bird ni...always wiwangwang and lost on the road. Tanya apa jalan she oso tak tau. LOL~!

  7. very cheap leh the food there. RM2 for noodle, really hardly find in KL joh.

    I also like CKT, but becos I don't like taugeh, so normally my plate of CKT will looks very very plain without it.

  8. I go Klang pun I think I will sesat... that day sesat in Jenjarom... the CKT looks good leh...

  9. my brother stayed in klang before for few years before transfer back to KK...basically he knew almost every of the good food there (but he only know how to get there, dunno road name la pula)...esp the BKT hehehehe....

  10. Aiyo, you made me miss my Ipoh CKT!I like mine with egg only - "cheng tarn"!

  11. my girl normally orders koay teow with just egg !

  12. LOL, normally if the electronic GPS doesn't work, we will start to rely on the conventional GPS(asking for direction)!^^

    Wow, nice place to 'mom mom' wor, the prices are reasonable too! Worth getting lost!;D

  13. RM2 for the noodles is really cheap! Pusing punya pusing landed you in a good place, considered a blessing in disguise also la :)

  14. I am a Klang girl and I must say Klang has some pretty good places to eat still...

  15. surely reasonably price and mee looks yummy.

  16. SK

    Coz Mamarazzi biasa eat like that since small. When add eggs she feels weird pulak.

    Haiyo..if you say compare ah..of course la Brickfield sedap coz got lard and lap cheong

  17. Wenn

    Guess, we now have to jaga makan more

  18. Isaac

    LOL...guess the Jalan sehala not updated in the map lo...

  19. STP

    it's keoy teow. GPS have good and bad la. If map up todate then can find la. If map not up todate really die lo. The GPS ask turn right padahal it's a "no entry" road.

  20. Mars Mell-o

    Yiks...u know cantonese ah? Cham....cannot talk bad about you in know Mandarin? Hokkien? Hakka? hainanese......? hehehe

  21. Auntie Cleff

    Your case is hopless case. Wanna balik rumah sendiri also got problem LOL

  22. Cynthia

    Looks like have to use manual gps

  23. Angel Bear

    same la ..You ask Mamarazzi she also like that..Ask what road, she'll say front of that bank...behind the gas station but tarak tau nama apa :p

  24. mom2kiddos

    next time have to order "Boss! CKT satu, tak mau noodle, tak mau taugeh, tau mau anything. Mau Telur aje".

    Just saw a makan show say Kampar have "Hum Tharn Fun". Drooling to try

  25. CLaire

    aiks looks like Mamarazzi is the odd one :p

  26. Alice

    we used to use "manual GPS". But nowadays those people at the Petrol station lagi L-Licence ..will certainly end up in holland

  27. Chloe's Mommy

    ya lo..blessing in disguise


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