
Mama Kucing Blogs

Friday 29 April 2011

Long Overdue...

Aiyo..this is really embarrassing. It's a long overdue Thank You to Uncle Patrick and Auntie Florence. They "Balik Kampung" early of this month for "Ching Ming".

On the way back, they drop by our place to take us out for lunch and drop goodies for us.

 We had lunch at the nearby shop. Then Uncle Patrick brought to KFC coz I have been a "Good Boy". 

As usual, I "tapao" Chicky Meal while Mamarazzi had Hot and Spicy Chicken.

She saw they have this new promotion "KFC Krushers". Bought the one with Mint and Lemon Krushers drink. tasted something like the Ribena Soda with Lemon that Mamarazzi made not long ago

Mamarazzi drank some while waiting for the Lady to pack the Chicky Meal. 

Then she noticed something black floating in the drink. Yikes! it's an insect.Hmm...must be from the Mint Leaves.

She told the Lady and the Lady apologised. She immediately made a new drink for Mamarazzi. On top of that, the Lady gave her a large cup soft drink. That was very nice of her.

 Hmm...let me look insect ya?

 Take photo first of the goodies from Auntie Florence.

"Rope Biscuit". I finished half a packet over a few days by myself.

Very weird color "keropok". Yam and Prawn crackers?

 One whole tub for me.

Mmmmm....sayang Auntie Florence and Uncle Patrick. Oppss....they also gave Heong Peah but ahem ahemm..all gone into tum tum already. Tak sempat snap photo.

Thank you very much Auntie Florence and Uncle Patrick!!!


  1. oooh, biskut tali, so long never eat that already, haha~~ urrgh, got fly inside the KFC drinks?? that's disgusting~~

  2. Is this KFC outlet nearby out place? If yes, i found out their cleanliness is below guideline...

  3. Wah, keropok, can share with Uncle Pete kah?

  4. Very generous of your Auntie Florence and Uncle Patrick... and the KFC staff too! Lucky you!^^

  5. I have been thinking of having KFC since one month ago but still tak jadi yet..... next week next week.. LOL!

  6. Oh they still have CHicky meals???
    I still remember those when I was younger.I just love that name...

  7. Mmmm...I think the keropok ngam my taste.

  8. I love that biskut tali too....

  9. The keropok is interesting with the yam on top, nice.

  10. Hey! We have those rope biscuits here too...but I don't like. Hehehehe!

  11. wahhh...never leave some for me eh.. ok, next time i contact them directly!! haahaa..

  12. indeed long overdue...thank goodness i am not fan of KFC......never a fan, i loathe the counter service crew,no smile one lah,,,,,,,,,,,,,

  13. Isaac

    Enjoy the toy the most :p

  14. SK

    Not fly la...insect. Tiny insect. Think maybe from the mint leaf.

    But at least they change it without fuss for Mamarazzi. Unlike another fast food outlet whose supervisor argue back when Mamarazzi told her the fries were not fully cooked. Finally changed new one when Mamarazzi insist the supervisor to the fries.

  15. Yee Ling

    That one lo. But the staffs said sori and immediately replace new one la

  16. Pete

    Mau ka...I ask Auntie Florence to buy more next round. This one I makan already wor

  17. Chee Yee

    Eh today Popeye got offer leh

  18. Leona

    ya they still have and with toys too

  19. Wai Kitt

    Ya ka? Next round if I found, I buy for you

  20. mNhL

    yes, the biscuit tali very nice to chew

  21. Nava

    Ya 1st time see dual color

  22. Claire

    Your place also got produce wor. Ya can contact them directly hehehe...or next time they balik kampung can meet up ya :p

  23. Eugene

    This outlet got smile hehehe


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