
Mama Kucing Blogs

Saturday 2 April 2011

Again A Guinea Pig - Thang Hoon Soup

Mamarazzi don't know what to cook. Feeling very lazy. Then she recall seeing STP's post on Glass Noodle not long ago and decided to cook that.

We don't have that many ingredients.She had to make do with what she dug out from the fridge... some vegetables, some meatballs and an egg. Soaked two pieces of mushroom in hot water. Fried the egg. Soak the Glass Noodle.

Nah...she used the short cut way. Didn't fry ikan bilis to make soup. She just throw in half a piece of Knozz Ikan Bilis Cube.

Taste...okay okay la...but one thing...Mamarazzi didn't put enough water. The soup "vanished" very fast.


  1. Sooner or later, mama can open shop liow!

  2. Thang hoon is glass noodles right? he he...mak isah cooked tang hoon like you too :)

    Have a nice weekend...

  3. I love tang hoon more than the yellow mee!

  4. hrm..the malas angelbear normally only soak the bilis make sure its clean, then dump it in the soup just like that =p

  5. I love grass noodles! Yalor, grass noodles very pannai to absorb water one, much add a lot of soup!

  6. Glass noodles "eat" water and grow "big" very fast! lol!

  7. Sometimes I also otak kosong,don't know what to cook for lunch. You have give me such a briliant idea, never thought of Thang Hoon before! I should cook this Thang Hoon Soup for lunch next week.

  8. What a coincidence.... auntie oso just had something like this.

  9. Maybe not enough of soup, but I like it, a simple and easy way of cooking.
    Sometimes, simple food taste the best.

  10. Claire

    OPen shop later swat flies leh

  11. Puah Isah

    LOL...what a coincident !

  12. Chris

    It's more "cheng". Next time Mamarazzi have to put more water

  13. Angel Baer

    Mamarazzi lagi malas leh...soak bilis also malas LOL

  14. Alice

    Mamarazzi forgot to add a lot of water lor...The tang hoon soak up most of the soup very fast

  15. Wai Kitt

    not for the whole week gua???

  16. Nava

    Mamarazzi forgot to put more water when cooking. The noodle soaked up most of the soup :(

  17. the noodles looks great...and the kids looks cute

  18. I thought ur mamarazzi making hot pot..LOL!!

  19. Yee Ling

    Hahaha...Hot pot in hot weather? Cham loooo


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