
Mama Kucing Blogs

Tuesday 12 April 2011

Ikan Bakar at Restaurant Mak Uda Selera Timur

Auntie Florence likes to eat Ikan Bakar. Ngum...Bring her eat Ikan Bakar at  Mak  Uda.

Get ready my 100 Plus. Brought from home punya....just in case....

Ikan Kembung. 

Ikan Pari

Hmm...don't have Ikan Terubuk which is Auntie's favourite fish.

Nah...Auntie Florence...drink Sirap Bandung la. Spicy is it? This Sirap Bandung special one. Got jagung inside wor.

Mamarazzi's and my Nasi Ayam. The Nasi was tasty. Think they maybe they color it with Kunyit?

The Chicken was so-so only. Maybe coz they gave me Chicken Wing. Rather dry.

Wa...didn't know Auntie likes to eat ulam. Ah Kong's home got a lot of ulam raja. Could have plucked some for her.

Uncle Patrick wanted to try Rebung. Too bad the day we went the restaurant didn't have rebung though we counted there were over 60 dishes offered there. Maybe next time la.

Total bill plus 3drinks comes up to RM21 only. Not bad ya?


  1. the chili on the fish is very appetising lor, somemore after squeeze the calamansi, lagi hebat!! and i like ikan kembung this way, am drooling now leh how to sleep??

  2. SK

    aiks ...kenot sleep ah..let me tell you a bedtime story..

    Once there was a boring man who worked in a boring office..he love boring things...(copied from Imagination Movers channel 613 Astro)

  3. where is the restoran location? hehehe nyummy pic makanan ni..

  4. The ikan aledy bakar? I thought haven't yet! LOL!

  5. Aha!!! THIS is the type of food that I like... I also had ikan bakar - bawal hitam (that night in today's post)but no photo as I had posted one of the same type of fish sometime ago.

  6. wow ikan bakar looks good, I love to eat it with ice lemon tea :-)


  7. So long no eat ikan bakar.. I want!

  8. Ermm..missing Kwai Lam ikan bakar.

  9. reasonably priced for the food, the pari is my sure choice, its lovely and oozing with taste.

  10. reasonably priced for the food, the pari is my sure choice, its lovely and oozing with taste.

  11. The ikan pari looks nice... auntie's place here used to sell nice ikan bakar... but now tutup kedai liao. The uncle retire... :(

  12. Mars Mell-o

    alamak...forgot to note the name of jalan It's at Subang Bestari. Next round go there will note down the addrs

  13. Mummy Gwen not allow spicy food yet

  14. Prince and Princess mom

    how come?

  15. Yee Ling

    Kwai Lam Ikan bakar nice far everytime go never order that hahaha

  16. Claire

    shhhh....later the shop owner come see and read you say cheap ..then naik harga cham lo LOL

  17. AUntie Cleff

    Looks like your place dangerous la...go makan Cincai, cincai tutp kedai...go makan ikan bakar..the pak cik retired...hmmmmm


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